Marketing Definition Assignment Help

Marketing Definition Assignment Help

Marketing is a concept that is perceived by different people in a different manner because of differences in understandings and thoughts. Hence our marketing assignment help experts says that, there is no unive

 rsal definition of marketing. But, followings are some definitions of marketing that are used by almost every organization to perform their business operations. According to AMA (American Marketing Association), “marketing is an activity, a set of situations, and a process for creating, communicating, delivering, exchanging and offerings that provides huge benefits to the customers , whether they are anyone”. Hence, the definition of marketing described by the AMA is based on those activities that create the significance of marketing for the organizations.

On the other hand our marketing case study assignment help said that Peter Drucker, the founder of business consulting, made a closed observation of marketing activities and gave a definition of marketing. Hence, in the words of Peter Drucker,” marketing is that matter for which organizations pay because it helps to create the customers. Hence, marketing is a process that distinguishes the uniqueness of a business in front of customers to buy the products.” Hence, in the sense of different people, the definition of marketing could differ because of unmatched perception and believes and wide scope. So, in my thought, marketing is a process and promotional activity by that an organization delivers its ideas and thoughts in the form of products/services to its potential customers to promote the products.

Therefore, by the tool of promotion, marketing spreads the information about the products or services between communities and attracts the customers to purchase the products/services. If you looking for marketing or any other topic assignment help then you can contact us any time.