SWOT Analysis of Wal-Mart

SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart Assignment Help Following table includes the SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart:

Strength Weakness
  • Strong Brand Image
  • Wide distribution channel and network
  • Use of information technology that helps to develop a strong international supply chain
  • Low-cost leadership
  • Contribution of employees
  • The market share is low outside the US market instead of largest retailer in world
  • Suppliers and employees are always under pressure with regard to price, salary and other benefits
Opportunity Threat
  • Expansion its business into other countries with merger and strategic alliance with other global retailers
  • New locations and store types for market development
  • Entry in Asian regions
  • Variety of competitors nationally, regional and globally
  • Intense price competition
  • Different country regulations and political problem impact the operation of company

From the table, our business assignment help experts determined that Wal-Mart has the leading position in retail industry, but still its presence in the international market is not well due to several political and economic implications. It has opportunity to diversify its market in other countries, but the intense price competition and regulatory requirements could affect its position. To reduce its weakness related to presence in international market to achieve the opportunity in the several European and Asian regions by eliminating the political and economical barriers, the firm should use its brand image and distribution channel efficiency to enter in new market. The brand image, cost leadership, employees’ efforts and wide channel would be effective to make the strategic alliance or merger with the local large retailers in other regions and to enter in the country more effectively. It would be effective to reduce competition and to increase the market share of firm. It should also make its presence through e-commerce in the countries, in which it does not have a strategic partner.

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