Assignment Help Experts on Kraft Foods and Goals

Assignment Help on Kraft Foods and Goals: Kraft Foods Inc. is an independent American multinational corporation that deals in food and beverage. In this assignment help paper, long-term objectives, goal, and direction of Kraft Food will be discussed. In addition, risk measurements and strategies of risk minimization used by the Assignment Help company will also be discussed. Along with this, company’s long-term objectives on profitability, competitive activities, and technological and market leadership and social and environmental responsibilities will also be discussed. Finally, the process by which the company identifies and raises funds for capital investments will also be discussed. Long term objectives and goals of Kraft Food On the basis of 2010, by the end of 2015, long term goals and objectives of Kraft Food are as follow:

Goals Objectives
·         To improve quality and service at the lowest cost ·         To extend awareness of brands into developing countries ·         To make stronger  portfolio of brands ·         To develop company values ·         To demonstrate trust and confidence in employees. ·         To deliver high value for the customers ·         To enable the employees to understand events and trends ·         To become a high-quality performer in Food & beverage sector. ·         To accelerate the growth of core brands ·         To provide highly standardized product & service at the lower cost as compared with its competitors ·         To make innovation in its production system ·         To maximize procurement opportunities. ·         To reduce long-term debt ·         To Improve international growth ·         To become an indispensable partner to customers ·         To Increase local readiness and capacity to address child hunger and malnutrition. ·         To improve health and nutrition practices among caregivers and children ·         To increase sustainable sourcing of agricultural commodities by 25 percent ·         To reduce energy use in manufacturing plants by 15 percent. ·         To reduce energy-related CO2 emissions in manufacturing plants by 15 percent ·         To reduce water consumption in manufacturing plants by 15 percent ·         To reduce waste at manufacturing plants by 15 percent.

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