Business Assignment Help on Work Teams and Groups

BUS322 WEEK 5 dq 1 “Work Teams and Groups” Please respond to the following:

  • Briefly describe a group or team that you have been a part of that you felt was particularly effective. Determine what specific characteristics of that team made it so (e.g., group or team structured, roles, norms, etc.). Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Develop a short list (3-4 items) of best practices based on your analysis above that any organization could apply when putting a work team or group together.Group Work Business Assignment Help

Answer 1: Recently, I joined a team to compare a large job order in 5 days in my organization. The team was quite effective to accomplish its all duties and tasks timely and in an effective manner. The team structure made the team more effective as it included 5 key members in the team with different skills. The team is structured with the inclusion of 3 specialists in Business Planning Assignment Help, manufacturing and technical skills, which helped the team to perform the task without any technical and manufacturing inefficiency. One team member was skilled to meet the customer specifications related to job order, which also improved the significance of team to work more effectively and to accomplish the job order in timely manner. The inclusion of skilful employees improved commitment of the members, which improved the significance of team to achieve its goals timely and efficiently (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2011).


The role of each member is pre-determined, which reduced the possibility of role ambiguity and increased the communication between team members without any conflict or issue and helped the management to attain the team goal of completing the order timely. The goals were also cleared for team and members were tied to these goals, which made it particularly effective (Luecke, 2004). The most important characteristic, which made this team effective is the standard of excellence on which all team members were get agreed. For example, the members in the team were selected on the basis of their passion, skills and knowledge about the job, not on their experience. The decisions related to use of technology and manufacturing process was information based, which reduced the possibility of failure (Lussier & Achua, 2009). For example, a particular tool was not working properly earlier, which was not used for this purpose and new tool was installed to complete the order timely. Thus these characteristics made the team effective.

Answer 2: Following are some of the best practices, which an organization is required to apply when putting a work team or group together:

Set clear goals/Team norms: It is one of the most important practices that need to be applied in forming a team. If the goals are not cleared then there can be conflict among members within the team and it may influence the significance of team to achieve its goals (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2011). The team norms would be effective to direct the members in desired direction.

Commitment of all members: To achieve the team goals, it is also essential to achieve the commitment of all team members as without this, team would not achieve the goals effectively.

Information based decision making: The decisions in the team should be made on the basis of available information, so that optimal decision could be taken.

Team structure: Another important practice that should be applied for forming a team is the structure of the team. The team should be structured by including people with different skills and knowledge as per the organizational objectives, which would be reduce the issues and smoothen the operations of team within the organization (Lussier & Achua, 2009).

References- Kirst-Ashman, K.K. & Hull, G.H. (2011). Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities (5th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Luecke, R. (2004). Harvard Business Essentials: Manager’s Toolkit : the 13 Skills Managers Need to Succeed. UK: Harvard Business Press. Lussier, R.N. & Achua, C.F. (2009). Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development (4th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning.

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