Business Strategies Assignment Help For Avoid Escalation

Strategies to Avoid Escalation of Commitment Pitfall Strategies to avoid Escalation Escalation of commitment may be defined or referred as the irrational continuance in a project plan due to time, money or energy. There are several important and significant strategies that a project manager can use to avoid escalation of commitment pitfall. In addition our business assignment help experts write that, conduct project planning, perform risk assessment, refine project schedule, change control process etc. are the specific strategies that a manager can use to avoid escalation of commitment pitfall. So, with the proper and effective use of these strategies, the project manager can easily ignore the irrational continuance of a project.

Perform Risk Assessment: In order to avoid escalation of commitment, the project manager should develop or perform risk assessment. With the help of this assessment, the project manager can implement preventive measures at the right time. According to this, the manager should develop risk management plan as per the risk assessment analysis. For example, senior manager can assess the risk by determining the internal and external risks of the project that create problems in better performance such as financial risks.

Conduct Project Planning: With the effective and proper use of project planning, the manager can avoid escalation of commitment pitfall. For instance,if team members of the project are not capable to handle the complex situation of the project, then the project manger re-organizes the structure of whole team to avoid escalation of commitment pitfall.

Refine Project Schedule: As per this strategy, the project manager should focus on the project scheduling and refine the project schedule, as there is a need for precise planning. For example, with the help of project scheduling, the project manager can estimate regarding the exact starting and ending time of the project to successfully avoid pitfall.

Refine Project Plan: According to this strategy, a project manager should develop or follow change control process along with escalation and management process to ignore pitfall in an effective manner. For instance, suppose that a project manager is handling a project of the company. At the mid time, the project manager finds that there is lack of finance to complete the project. In this situation, to avoid the escalation of commitment pitfall, the project manger will refine the whole project to successfully complete the project. Get Business Strategies assignment help with assignment help experts .com We are the team of experienced writers who can do any business strategy assignment help within your deadline. We assure you that you will get complete and original assignment help services of all topics. You can call us or e-mail us at

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