Customer Satisfaction Policy and Survey Assignment Help

Customer Satisfaction Policy and Survey Assignment Help Customer satisfaction Policy In today’s changing business environment, most of business organization use different types of generic customer satisfaction policies or strategies in order to convey trust to its customers. 30 Day return policy, price matching policy, warranties, toll free order line and privacy are the most important examples of the generic customer satisfaction policies that are used by the business organization to improve the level of customer satisfaction at the global level (Vavra, 2002). Apart from this, satisfaction guarantee, delivery guarantee, price guarantee, security guarantee are the other generic customer satisfaction policies that business organization can use to convey trust to its customers (Hill, Roche & Allen, 2007). Mark and Spencer PLC is a major British retailer in London, with 703 stores in the United Kingdom.

Mark and Spencer is also the largest retailer in the retail industry that basically deals in clothing and luxury food products (Mark and Spencer, 2012). In order to convey trust to its customers as a means of determining employee values, policies and training initiatives, Mark and Spencer may use different generic customer satisfaction policies. But as per the size and structure of the company, Mark and Spencer should use and implement a “30 Day return policy”. In addition, with the help of this customer satisfaction policy, Mark and Spencer may operate a culture of team work and professionalism in the organization. Additionally, by using 30 Day return policy, Mark and Spencer may also increase the profit, revenues and level of customer satisfaction. Apart from this, this policy may also improve and develop an open communication with the customers and also build an effective production system. In addition, the company can also develop trust, mutual respect and understanding of any issues and difficulties. So, Mark and Spencer should use toll free order line policy to convey the trust (Hill, Roche & Allen, 2007). As per the 30 Day return policy, the company has to develop different criteria. For instance, the company should establish rules and regulation regarding the damaged or defective products (Odgers, 2007).

For example, suppose that by mistake if a customer purchased defective and damaged product at the company, the damaged product should be replaced by the company in 30 days as per the customer satisfaction policy. Additionally, the company should also develop effective customer service department to determine the best method of product replacement or repair (Hill, Roche & Allen, 2007). Apart from this assignment help, the company should also develop a 30 day 100% satisfaction guarantee scheme as per the 30 days return policy in the organization. For instance, suppose that, a customer purchased some products at the company. After ten days, the customer is not satisfied with purchased products due to personal reason (Odgers, 2007). The customer can return the product at any time within 30 days of ordering the product. In addition, it should also be noted down that to successfully implement 30 days return policy in the company, Mark and Spencer has to focus on the employee’s values and training. It is because, without the determination of employee’s value, policy and training initiatives, the company cannot implement this policy successfully in the organization. Additionally, with the help of employee’s value and training initiatives, the employees will be able to understand the customer’s values Hence, Mark and Spencer should use 30 Day return policy to convey trust to its customers (Vavra, 2002).

Customer Satisfaction Survey of Mark and Spencer PLC Customer satisfaction survey is a significant process of discovering whether or not a company’s customers are happy or satisfied with the products or services received from the company (Hayes, 2008). Mark and Spencer may conduct survey face to face, over the phone, via email or internet, or on handwritten forms. Customer answers to questions are then used to analyze whether or not changes need to be made in business operations to increase overall satisfaction of customers (Kenett, 2011).

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Questions Options
Q1) Are you satisfied with the product and service of the company? Very Un- satisfied Un- satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Q2) Would you recommend our product / service to colleagues or contacts within your industry? Definitely Probably Not Sure Probably Not Definitely Not
Q3) Would you use our product / service in the future? _ _ _ _ _
Q4) How long have you used our product / service? Less than a Year 1 to 6 Months 1-3 Years Over 3 Years Never used
Q5) How often do you use product / service? (Hayes, 2008).
Q6) What aspect of the product / service were you most satisfied by? Quality Price Customer Service Repeat Experience Usage Experience
Q7) What aspect of the product / service were you most disappointed by? (Kenett, 2011). _ _ _ _ _
Q8) How would you compare the product / service offered by our company? Much Better Somewhat Better About the Same Much Worse Don’t Know

  Satisfaction from the product and service identifies the emotional benefits and important attributes of the product and service. On the other hand, recommendation about the product / service tells the perception regarding the product and service and also tells the brand attributes and personality. Additionally, the uses of the product examine the benefits and characteristics of the product (Leutbecher & Hayrinen, 2002). The time period about the product tells the loyal customers of the company. Aspect of the product and service identifies the price and quality attributes of the product and services. Apart from this, comparison of the product and services with the other competitors explain about the brand strengths in the global market.

References Hayes, B.E. (2008). Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Survey Design, Use, and Statistical Analysis Methods. USA: ASQ Quality Press. Hill, N., Roche, G. & Allen, R. (2007). Customer Satisfaction: The Customer Experience through the Customer’s Eyes. UK: Leadership Factor. Kenett, R. (2011). Modern Analysis of Customer Surveys. USA: Wiley and Sons. Leutbecher, T. & Hayrinen, J. (2002). Customer Satisfaction Survey. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Mark and Spencer (2012). Retrieved from Odgers, P.G. (2007). The World of Customer Service. USA: Cengage Learning. Vavra, T.G. (2002). Customer Satisfaction Measurement Simplified: A Step-by-step Guide for ISO 9001:2000 Certification. USA: ASQ Quality Press.  You can contact us 24X7 for assignment help services.