Ken Thomas model Organizational Behavior Assignment Help

Compromising and collaborating are the options in conflict resolution in terms of Ken Thomas model of personal conflict management. The compromising option demonstrates the sacrifice from one party as a part of his goal of encouraging others to sacrifice their some parts too. The compromising style states little to take and little to give. The option is very effective to maintain long-term relationship between two parties and usually is less time consuming than other options like collaborating (Daft & Marcic, 2012).  It is the mid way between two parties to resolve a conflict. Although there are some negative aspects also associated with compromising option i.e. none of the party is fully satisfied. The outcomes through this option are slightly less than the ideal outcome.(Get Last Minute Assignment Help from Quality Australian Experts).

On the other hand, collaborating option mainly deals with finding new means to sort-out the conflict between two parties. It is regarded as the best option under the model because it is more creative and much effective. Under this option, mutual respect is developed by both parties to come at a common solution (Bertocci, 2009). The assumptions and concern of both the parties are considered under this style. It is a win-win situation of both the parties as it involves the trust, respect, mutual understanding etc. Since the option deals with mitigating the issues of both the parties, it is generally more time taking.

Population Ecology Perspective

The population ecology perspective of organizational environment states the impact of population over organization. The perspective states that organization should formulate its structure and hierarchy according the market condition and the competition. With this population ecology perspective, it becomes easier for organizations to survive in this competitive world. With the perspective, the ability of the managers and employees could be explored to a great extent by determining growth of the organization (Daft, Murphy & Willmott, 2010). It maintains a balance between the organization and the changes outside the organizational environment. It forces organization to change according the environment to survive in the market. Being in the right place at the right time is the motive of this perspective for organizations.

On the other hand mechanistic organizations are very rigid and complex to adopt change. Mechanistic organizations merely change with the changing environment that may result of their failure. The structure in mechanistic organizations is generally centralized, which often affect the decision making. It is not as flexible as the population ecology perspective is. In addition to this, the policies and processes are formalized that sometimes restrict organization from creating innovative products or services. Such organization moves on a formulated path without considering the market elements such as competition, risk factors etc. To adopt the changes in the business environment is quite difficult for such organizations as compared to population ecology perspective, where organizations are always ready to cope-up with the change to survive in market.

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