Knowledge Management Assignment Help On Ethical Share

Knowledge Management Assignment Help On Ethical Share Sharing of Knowledge to Competitors

Nowadays, for every organization, integrated knowledge workers contain huge information from the market related to market potentiality that is useful for the operations of organization along with the trades of their organization (Morris, Manning & Martin, 2012). In the KM case study help experts says that when a worker leaves the current organization to join the competitors therefore; the management of competing organization would like to gain the important business information related to previous employers.

So, they could use gained information to affect the operational profitability of former organization (Keyes, 2008). Therefore, the matter related to the ethical information sharing could be decided on the basis of worker’s morality related to what would be shared with competitors and what would not (Costa, 2010). As per Australia assignment experts, Following conditions would help to decide which type of information sharing is ethical and which is not for knowledge worker:

With Noncompeting Agreement In a condition, when a worker makes a noncompeting agreement with employer in which the worker commits that any information related to the job would not be disclosed for the profitability of others.  In addition, this agreement also restricts the signing worker by giving any important and significant information to the competitors (Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP, 2012). In this agreement, employer decides the ethical standards and measures for the worker regarding the information sharing that would be followed by the worker after the joining of competitors’ organization. On the other hand our KM assignment help experts, this agreement allows the knowledge worker to share only the learning and work place experiences with other organization by that the integrity of the former organization could not be affected and the reputation of the organization remain unchanged (Löscher, 2011). In context of these statements, it could be stated that after the signing of noncompeting agreement, there is no place for ethical and unethical information sharing.

Without Agreement In this condition, the knowledge worker is totally free to share any information about the former employer with the competitors regarding the current business strategies. Behind the joining of competitors’ organization, the main concern of knowledge worker to get significant advantage and make trust with new organization on the basis of past working (Bell & Cohn, 2008). Therefore, the worker can share his/her knowledge related to sales practices, method of delivery, prices, production cost, product development methods and the process, compensation methods, business plans, and the information technology utilization. All this information could not affect the profitability or any operational functions of the former organization therefore; this type of information sharing would be ethical for worker (Kontrimas, 2006). On the other hand, if the worker shares his learning regarding the products of the previous organization, it would be considered unethical because it may impact \the business aspects of former organization negatively (Costa, 2010). In the context of former employer, the knowledge regarding the specific products, secrets of trades, confidential information and the lists of clients could be a part of ethics because, this information directly belongs to previous employer and it does not consider as transportable skills that a knowledge worker have earned individually (O’Neill & Adya, 2007).

But on the basis of sociological responsibility and behavior towards the community relationship, the information related to the trading systems of former organization could affect the integrity of the previous organization (Keyes, 2008). As a result, it would reduce the profitability and also influence the sustainability of related stakeholders. This knowledge would be used by competitor for making unfair edge, obstructing the fair competition, and causing harm to others (Sharkie, 2005). So, this type of information sharing could not be ethical for worker to share with other employer after altering the previous organization.     References Bell, A.H. & Cohn, R.G. (2008). Winning With Trust in Business. USA: Pelican Publishing. Costa, G.J. (2010).

Ethical Issues and Social Dilemmas in Knowledge Management: Organizational Innovation. IGI Global. Keyes, J. (2008). Identifying the Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge Intensive Organizations. Retrieved from Kontrimas, A.R. (2006). International Expatriate Employment Handbook. Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. Löscher, L. (2011). Competitive Intelligence as a Sustainable Long Term Competitive Advantage: Managerial and Legal Assessment of Competitive Intelligence. GRIN Verlag. Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP. (2012). Legal and Ethical Issues in Obtaining and Sharing Information. Retrieved from O’Neill, B. & Adya, M. (2007). Knowledge Sharing and the Psychological Contract: Managing Knowledge Workers across Different Stages of Employment. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(4), 3-25. Sharkie, R. (2005). Precariousness under the new psychological contract: the effect on trust and the willingness to converse and share knowledge. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 3, 37–44.