Organizations Rating and Ranking Scales Assignment Help

Organizations Rating and Ranking Scales Assignment Help Comparison of Rating and Ranking Scale

Rating scales are commonly used form of scales or evaluation methods in organizations. On the other hand, ranking scales are used only when there is additional requirement of any evaluation method. Rating scale is advantageous than ranking scale due to following aspects or reasons: Intensity: Rating scales are more advantageous as compared to ranking scales, as with rating scales intensity of preference is expressed in an effective manner.

In other words, metric data is expressed by rating scales. In contrast to this, ranking scales are not able to express the intensity of preference. Furthermore, with ranking scales, it is not possible to express metric data (Gustafsson, Herrmann & Huber, 2007). Transformation: Rating scales can be transformed or translated into ranking scale. At the same time, it is not possible to translate ranking scale into rating scale. So, it can be argued that due to this feature of rating scale, it is mostly used method of evaluation, while ranking scales are not common in use. Comparability: Rating scale is effective than ranking scale in terms of comparability.

It is so, as with rating scale, it is easy to compare the result of individuals in comparison to ranking scale. Job Relatedness: Rating scale is also good in terms of job relatedness as compared to ranking scale. Rating scale can be designed to fulfill the needs of individual sales organizations that are not easy with ranking scale (Havaldar). Practicability: Rating scale is advantageous in terms of its practicability than ranking scale. It means rating scales are easy to understand and execute within a short period of time as compared to ranking scales. Standardization: Rating scales are also effective than ranking scales in terms of standardization. It is so, as in rating scales, instruments of measurement and process of evaluation remain same throughout the firm. References Havaldar. (n.d). Sales & Distribution Mgmt – Text & Cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Gustafsson, A., Herrmann, A. & Huber, F. (2007). Conjoint Measurement: Methods and Applications. (4th ed). Springer.

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