Performance Management Assignment Employee Motivation

Role of Manager

Yes, managers can motivate employees by using motivational tools like monetary and non monetary rewards. For

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example, by recommending good appraisal as per the performance of the employees, it is possible for the manager to develop motivation among the employees. Similarly, by providing non monetary benefits to the employees, it is possible to motivate the employees (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011). As per assignment help experts,There are various non monetary rewards that can be used to motivate the employees. These are as follow:


Paid Leaves: The manager can also motivate employees by giving paid leaves on the basis of their performances. This motivation can last for long term, as paid leaves are considered effective to motivate the employees. Bonus: In the form of bonus, the manager can also motivate employees. As a part of bonus, the manager can give one day off, free lunch, movie tickets, t-shirts, etc to the employees. It can be last for medium time, as the employees consider these kinds of rewards attractive and enjoy availing these motivational tools (Mcshane, 2011). Appreciation: The manager can also appreciate the employees for their performances during meetings. For example, the manager can appraise the employees for their efforts in bringing new ideas and opinions that are profitable for the organization as a whole. This motivational tool can also last for long time, as employee feel being valued in the organization.


Ways to Motivate your Employees Yes, there is way to create an environment that is motivational to retain the talented employees. By developing effective performance management, it is possible for the organization to create motivating environment. It is so, as with the help of effective performance management, the organization would be able to judge the performance of employees effectively. Effective appraisal can lead to job satisfaction among the employees. As a result of this, employees will feel motivated at the job and remain with the organization for longer term (Mcshane, 2011). Our employee motivation case study assignment help experts said that another way to create motivating environment is regular assessment sessions. Under these sessions, the organization can invite employees to give their opinions regarding company strategies, new products, competitor’s move etc. It will also assist the organization to retain the talented employees. Along with this, by providing justified compensation and benefits, the organization can also develop motivating atmosphere. Furthermore, by organizing extra curricular activities like camps, cultural programs, events, sports competition etc, it is possible to develop motivating climate at the workplace that can retain the talented employees.


References Griffin, R.W. & Moorhead, G. (2011). Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. (10th ed). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Mcshane. (2011). Organizational Behavior. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill Education You can avail business case study assignment help and assignment help of all subjects. Our assignment help experts have fifteen years experience of providing assignment help to US,UK and Australian students. You will also get free plagiarism report so that you can check our quality assignment help services.You can also check our youtube video for how to get case study assignment help from assignment help experts com