Project Initiation Process for ERP Implementation Assignment Help
As per Business ERP assignment help professor, A manufacturing organization wants to implement ERP at its

working place to integrate the entire operations related to manufacturing, development, marketing and sales. For this project, the initiation process is the first step that includes six processes. Hence, in context of ERP project, the first process describes the development of case as how ERP is effective for the organization.
The second process undertakes a feasibility study that presents the documentation about the opportunities of ERP (Reynolds, 2009). The third process includes the project charter that guides the project team to develop project structure for the successful implementation of ERP project. The fourth process presents the requirement and appointment of project team for the execution of project. The fifth process requires setting ups of office that facilitate the project team members to manage the effectiveness of projects (Reynolds, 2009). The last step requires reviewing about the status of the project in context of benefits and loss.
Role of Project Sponsor Project sponsor plays a key role in the success of a project because he/she provides insurance to the investors related to the use of resource and finance for the implementation of ERP and also provides support to the Project Manager that holds their interest in the implementation of project (Wallace & Kremzar, 2002). Project sponsor attracts the every stakeholder of the organization towards the significance of ERP for organization by showing its profits to them. Hence, it helps the project managers to fulfill the requirements of each process of ERP project initiation.
Project plan Followings are the important points related to the implementation of ERP plan assignment help that would be submitted for the approval of management:
- Overview of ERP (scope, purpose, deliverables of project, schedule and budget)
- Managerial process (Start-up plan, work plan, project tracking plan, risk management plan, project closeout plan) (Wallace & Kremzar, 2002)
- Technical process (process model, methods, tools, and techniques, infrastructure, and acceptance of EPR)
- Supporting process plan (configuration management, verification and validation, documentation, assurance of outputs quality, review and audits, problem resolution)
Purpose of ERP implementation The main purpose of ERP implementation is to make the regular flow of information between the entire functions of the organization. The objective behind the ERP implementation is to focus over the operational visibility and performance (Tjoa & Chaudhry, 2008). Hence our PM case study help experts says that, I would add the high level of guidance in project charter related to the different aspects such as planning, budgeting and governance to the project instructor for reviewing and approving because this software would contain the information of organization.
Stakeholders of ERP project The main stakeholders of the project are owner of the organization, ERP accounting software selection project manager, CFO and chief accountant, system manager, sales and marketing and the users of systems. They could affect the project positively by providing their cooperation to collect the information about the effectiveness of ERP at the stage of project initiation. They could also affect the project by providing their thoughts related to negative impacts of ERP at the place of work (Nah, 2002). They might receive some benefits such as reduction in their planning time, improvement in decision making, improvement in products quality, shortened lead times, and better mutual communication.
References Nah, F.F. (2002). Enterprise resource planning. Idea Group Inc (IGI). Reynolds, G. (2009). Information Technology for Managers. USA: Cengage Learning. Tjoa, X.A. & Chaudhry, S.S. (2008). Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II. USA: Springer. Wallace, T.F. & Kremzar, M.H. (2002). ERP: Making It Happen: The Implementers’ Guide to Success with Enterprise Resource Planning (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons. Avail quality and original business assignment help services from our US,UK and Australia experts. We assure you that you will get complete and according to your assignment requirements.