Sales People Motivation Plan Assignment Help

Sales People Motivation Plan  Assignment Help To: Top Management From: Sales Manager Date: 4 August 2016 Subject: Sales People Motivational Plan Motivation is an important technique to increase the sales efficiency of a salesperson. As per our case study assignment help experts of business a sales manager gives the motivation in two ways, one is intrinsic and the second is extrinsic motivators. Intrinsic motivators come from the work performance itself, when the sales people gain the experience to complete a good work for the firm (Freytag, and Thurik, 2009). For the salesperson, two forms of motivators will be used in the motivational plan. Intrinsic motivation is usually self- applied and come from the direct relationship between the individual and the situation. In intrinsic motivation, the salesperson finds the job satisfaction and interesting. Salesperson will be motivated through work training and organization of management function, where assistance will be provided to all the salespersons by giving motivational speeches, communicating with salespersons and building the confidence of salesperson. Through this, salespersons will be motivated intrinsically (Laurie, Dennis, and Malhotra, 2008) According to my opinion, intrinsically motivated employee will perform better day by day, as long they find the work interesting and satisfied.

For a salesperson, supportive environment will be developed to promote the sales activities. It will be helpful for salespersons to sale the product in the market. In intrinsic motivators, steps like, praising the employee, whose performance is excellent and involving the employees in decision making process will be followed.

On the completion of unexpected work on time, a pat on the back of the employee will be also given as a part of motivation. It will create a feeling of being valued and noticed by the management among the salespersons. High performers will be recognized in annual meetings, presentations, parties etc by the concerned people. This will be helpful for the salespersons to feel motivated towards the organization (Freytag and Thurik, 2009). Extrinsic motivator basically consists of monetary and grades that will be provided to employee after the work performance. Extrinsic motivator will include the pay increase, promotion, praise, points, candies, compliments, paid vacations, bonuses etc. In this way, the salespersons will be motivated by extrinsic motivators. To motivate the salesperson, monetary rewards will be offered. In extrinsic motivator, the sales efficiency will be increased through offering picnic, free lunch or dinner and holiday.

For motivating and achieving the targets, T- shirts, cups, key chains etc. displaying the company logo will be given to the salespersons. Apart from this, birthday holiday will be also given to the salespersons to motivate them. According to my opinion, this will be the best way to motivate the salesperson to give the best result in the company (Weitz, & Wensley, 2002). Annual holiday party at the end of the year will be offered to salespersons. It will provide them the opportunity to get relax from work pressure and enjoy the fun, food and friends.

So, the party will motivate salespersons for continuing with the company. As a sales manager, health club membership facility will be offered to salespersons. This will help in sustaining a positive attitude from salespersons (Johnston). After the analysis of motivational methods, it can be said that intrinsic motivation is stronger than extrinsic motivation. As the intrinsically motivated employee will continue to perform better day to day, as long they find the work interesting and satisfactory.

References Freytag, A., Thurik, A.R. (2009). Entrepreneurship and Culture. Springer. Johnston (n.d.). Sales Force Management (Sie) 9E. Tata McGraw- Hill. Laurie, K., Dennis, G. and Malhotra, Y. (2008). How Endogenous Motivations Influence User Intentions: Beyond the Dichotomy of Extrinsic and Intrinsic User Motivations. Journal of Management Systems 25(1), pp. 267-299. Weitz, B.A. and Wensley, R. (2002). Handbook of Marketing. SAGE. If you are looking for human recourse assignment help on motivation theories and business assignment help or Australia economics assignment help then you can send us your assignment.  Our HR assignment help experts ensure you that you will get original and complete assignment help services of all subjects. The main future of our business experts is that they have fifteen years experience of writing assignment. Students who need business management assignment help can touch with our 24X7live support system or can send e-mail at