Strategic Plan Assignment Help On Balanced Scorecard

Strategic Plan Assignment Help On Balanced Scorecard

Balance scorecard is essential for developing a healthy business growing place. It is a vital key for defining the goals and targets of a company as well as the vision, mission and the SWOTT Analysis. A Balanced Scorecard is, “A set of four measures directly linked to a company’s strategy: financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning and growth”. This balanced scorecard case study assignment help paper, will relate a healthy place value, mission, vision & SWOTT Analysis with the four perspectives of the scorecard (financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business process, and learning and growth).


Financial Perspective/Shareholder Value A strong and well defined vision & mission statement will facilitate the company to achieve its destination. The objectives of the healthy place should be implemented as a daily routine so as to increase the performance of the company. The first and foremost responsibility of a company is to seek its customer satisfaction, benefit utilization, increased net revenues and also to achieve financial stability. In order to evaluate the financial stability of a company, one should calculate the Operating cost, Earnings per share, growth revenue & return on interest and capital. “If we succeed how we will look to our stakeholders”.


Customer Value Perspective A way to gather the attention of the customers is to introduce reward programs before them; this will look very attractive to them. If the company & employees performance reviews by the customers are in the favor that means the company is strong enough to hold its position in the market. But in case, if the customer reviews are poor regarding the service and the performances of the employees, this will lead a company to a huge downfall. The customers determine the success of the company. The up & down in the market share of the company as well as the delivery of services & products relates to the customer satisfaction. The more the customer satisfied &occupy with the company, the more will be the increase in the brand image in the market, but there must be consistency in the value & quality of the product (Five Personality Factors on Negotiation Assignment Help). It’s the responsibly of the healthy place to generate awareness in the public and should also offer benefits to them, time to time. “To achieve our mission, how must we appear to our customers”.


The company should organize survey; time to time, so that to have an idea of the customer’s satisfactions. For this the company has to monitor their brand value in the market constantly (Strategic Plan for Health Care). The most important tool of getting more & more customers engage with the company, the shareholders of the company should introduce new products at a very low price & and also offers some rewards for the regular customers.


Process/Internal Operations Perspective Strategic planning is very effective to give a healthy place to customers. It should be done in accordance with the customer’s need and satisfaction. In order to improve the business efficiencies, market value as well as the current position; one should has an effective strategic management to overcome all the resistances. The most important thing is to define the purpose or intention of the strategy, because this will lead a company smoothly towards its goals. The goals highlight the vision and mission statement of the company.“To satisfy our customers, at which processes must we excel”. For the satisfactory outcome of the company the strategic target and goals should be monitored on a daily basis. The company should set its objective and the root to be followed while keeping in minds the values and interest of the customers. There should be a tool or set of measurements that measure the targets, public interest, brand value in the market and budget in hand. In strategic planning, surveys must be done time to time, so that it will be helpful for the company to have an idea that ‘what are the market needs’? And ‘what is already available in abundant in the market’? Survey techniques should be used to know about the ground realities & choice and need of the customer (Strategic Financial Planning Assignment Help). A healthy place is constantly taking initiatives to improve the services and products so as to increase their customer circle.


Learning and Growth Perspective Learning and growth operation is considered as the most important aspect in Balance Sheet, because this position focuses on the growth and successfulness of the company as well as the learning of internal & external public. “Learning” in accordance with a healthy place means to learn about the attitudes of the internal employees & external customers. This technique of Balance Sheet, help the company to maintain its position in the market and also bring technological changes. “To achieve mission, how must organizations learn and success” The strategic planning should focus on employee training to have challenger employees who constantly develop their skills and elementally provide benefits to the company. For a healthy place, the strategic objective should bring some improvements in the company. The improvements will be in the form of new technology to the company, constantly recruitment of the deserving learners but retaining of the highly skilled workers, increasing the organization’s trust and customer circle (Home Depot Strategic Plan Assignment Help).


The organization needs to develop a strategy in order to provide more benefits to the customers that is online purchasing and billing, constantly introducing new products and services and also introducing attractive packages and offers like purchase and pay after. The success of the company depends on its vision and mission. The best way to attain the targets and goals of the company is to have a strategic plan which explains &delivers the objectives of the company. The achievements and goals of the company should be measured. The well-balanced business should have to develop the Balance Sheet, which is the most important technique to achieve all targets. But it is not possible that if one Balance Sheet technique is fit for a business will also appropriate for another business.The Balance Sheet’sfour perspectives defined here are Internal process, Customer perspective, financial perspective, and Learning & Growth. With each perspective, we will define the strategic objectives, performance measures, targets and initiatives.


BalanceSheet Shareholder Value/Financial Perspective Strategic Objectives •Benefit utilization& decrease in per unit cost •Financial stability should be achieved •Market share should be increased •Production cost of store should be minimized •Net revenues should be increased •Operating cash flow should be increased with respect to previous year Performance Measures •Per share earnings •Return on interest and capital •Increased operating cost •Revenue growth Targets •6 – 8% market share increase over the next 2 years •30% profit margin Initiatives •Should acquire a strong Competitor Customer Perspective Strategic Objectives •Community support should be expanded •Quality products should be delivered •Constantly improving brand image in market •Value services should be delivered •Focus on public interest •Market share should increased Performance Measures •Awareness of brand in public •Research should be on regular basis •Market share should be increased Targets •30% increased of customers for the next 5 years •100% customer satisfaction Initiatives •special benefit & rewards program •Brand should be expand to other cities Internal Process Perspective Strategic Objectives •Marketing of store and product should be improved •Additional services should be acquired •Investment infrastructure should be made •Business process and efficiencies should be improved Performance Measures •Internal employee & External Customer satisfaction •Profits from New Programs •Redundancies on products & services should be decreased Targets •20% reduction in customer returns over the next 4 years •100% satisfaction of customers •30% increase of customer circle Initiatives •Marketing campaign •Card purchasing program should be expanded Learning & Growth Perspective Strategic Objectives •Technology should be improved •Increase in employee’s retention •Constant recruitment but retain highly skilled workers •Organizational trust & teamwork should be improved Performance Measures •Customer satisfaction should be achieved •The employee turnover rate should be decreased •Proper survey, monitoring & training •learning from outcomes and experiences Targets •100% participation of all employees Initiatives •Analysis of Staffing Optimization •Online Billing Upgrade •Service Training You can avail business assignment help of all subjects. Our assignment help experts have fifteen years experience of providing assignment help to US,UK and Australian students. You will also get free plagiarism report so that you can check our quality assignment help services.You can also check our youtube video for how to get case study assignment help from assignment help experts com