Strategic Plan Implementation Assignment Help

Strategic Plan Implementation Strategies for Metrotek Metrotek is the service provider that helps the businesses and people by providing staffing solution with qualified and skilled candidates to enhance their economic growth. The management of firm facilitated some strategic objectives, measures and targets, which could be achieved through the appropriate strategies and tactics (Yow, 2000). The main objective of the firm is to increase the customer base and consequently revenue by providing the effective staffing solution to the organizations and improving quality in their operations (Nick, 2008).

To realize its strategic objectives, measures and targets, the firm should implement the effective marketing strategy. The marketing strategy would be effective to increase awareness among customers and to create a brand image of the firm within the industry. At the same time, CSR initiatives could also be used for building a brand image within the community to achieve the objectives of community support and market expansion (Keane, 2005). The firm should promote its services with internet marketing and relationship marketing efforts, which would be effective for the firm to increase the customer base by increasing their awareness about the organizational services. At the same time, the focus of the firm for providing staffing services to clients should be on the appropriateness of candidates with the organizational requirements (Nykiel, 2007). The identification of ethical values among candidates would also be effective to facilitate the development of firms and the community as well.


The creation of superior customer value through delivering quality services should be the major aspect of all the strategies adopted by the firm to achieve its strategic objectives (Geel, 2011). The direct communication with clients would also be effective to develop a relationship with them and to increase the customer and market base of the firm. It would also be effective to engage the clients in recruitment service that would be effective to know their requirements appropriately and to provide them staffing solution as per their requirements, which is essential for a firm to be successful in the industry (Smith, Berry & Pulford, 1999). Another strategy plan that the firm could use is information technology (IT) strategy. In the current business environment, IT plays an important role to facilitate better communication between customers and employees and ensures the success of business. In Metrotek, the use of information system would be effective to communicate with clients as well as with potential candidates more effectively and in cost effective manner (McDonald, 2008). It will improve the effectiveness of firm to know the requirements of clients and also the qualifications and skills of candidates and to increase the success in matching potential candidates with the organizational requirements. It would also be beneficial to increase the organizational reputation and image within the industry and consequently market share and revenue of the firm (Wit & Meyer, 2010).


Methods to Monitor and Control the Strategic Plan Following methods could be used to monitor and control the strategic plan of Metrotek: Review the outcomes: A constant follow-up of the strategic plan is effective way to monitor the plan. The continuous review of the outcomes would be effective for Metrotek to determine the lacking in implementation of strategic plan and to take proper action to eliminate that issues immediately and to achieve the organizational goals (Geel, 2011). Gap analysis: It is also an effective method to monitor and control the strategic plan after the implementation. The management of Metrotek should compare the actual results and progress of the firm with desired objectives with the implementation of strategic plan (McDonald, 2008). It would be beneficial to identify any gap between performances of the firm to provide more valued services to clients. Keep tracking the business progress: To evaluate the significance of strategic plan, the tracking of business progress would also be effective to ensure the effectiveness of plan. At the same time, it is also beneficial to determine the hurdles, which are creating barriers in firm’s success (Smith, Berry & Pulford, 1999). This will be effective to reduce those hurdles and to bring the organization on the track of success.


Recommendations The staffing solution service can cause some ethical, legal and regulatory issues such as related to violation of employment act, disability act, and consideration of their known person for recruitment instead of skilled employees, which may affect the ability of firm and its ability to be a socially responsible company. As per the employment laws, there should be equal employment opportunity for all and employees should not be discriminated (Yow, 2000). The discrimination in providing employment to the people and providing less competent people to companies may cause the ethical issues for the firm. To face the legal and regulatory issues, the firm should comply with all rules and regulations associated with employment as it will help the firm to choose the candidates on the basis of their skills and knowledge instead of their religion, disability and other aspects. The inclusion of these aspects in the organizational policies would be effective to increase the image of the firm and its contribution towards the development of community by facilitating equal opportunity for all. At the same time, to face the legal issues, the firm should use CSR initiatives, which would be effective to improve the welfare of society and also the corporate citizenship of the firm (Wit & Meyer, 2010). The creation of certain ethical values as guidelines for the organization would also be effective to increase the contribution of firm towards community development.


References Geel, R. (2011). Strategic Management: The Radical Revolutionary Strategic Management Matrix for Predators. Reinier Geel. Keane, M. (2005). Dictionary of Modern Strategy and Tactic. USA: Naval Institute Press. McDonald, M. (2008). Malcolm McDonald on Marketing Planning: Understanding Marketing Plans and Strategy. UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Nick, B.P. (2008). Effective Training: Systems, Strategies And Practices (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education Inc. Nykiel, R.A. (2007). Handbook of Marketing Research Methodologies for Hospitality and Tourism. USA: Routledge. Smith, P.R., Berry, C. & Pulford, A. (1999).             Strategic Marketing Communications: New Ways to Build and Integrate Communication (2nd ed.). UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Wit, B.D. & Meyer, R. (2010). Strategy Synthesis: Resolving Strategy Paradoxes to Create Competitive Advantage, Text and Readings (3rd ed.). UK: Cengage Learning EMEA. Yow, D.A. (2000). Strategic Planning for Collegiate Athletics. USA: Routledge.


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