Training and Education in Health Care Case Study assignment help

Training and Education in Health Care Case Study assignment help

Introduction Training and educating the employees of the health care industry is vital for the success of every healthcare organization at great extent (Carayon, 2011). In this regard, increasing training and education health care professional, the welfare of human being would increase in health planning and spreading good health without any health related problems (Marchildon, Forest & McIntosh, 2004). Further, this case study assignment help paper will discuss about process for tracking and evaluating training effectiveness to find-out the importance of training.

Importance of Training & Education in HealthCare The importance of measuring competencies of training and education in health care is concerned to development of high quality health care. Competencies are the measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors of workers that are very critical for successful job performance (Willis, Reynolds & Helen, 2008). It is also concerned to remove poor performance that may occur by low competencies. In this context, increase in competencies would improve healthcare providers’ performance in the organization (Reid & Silver, 2002).

Process for Tracking and Evaluating Training Effectiveness Tracking and evaluating employee training effectiveness is a key objective of any training and development department to ensure the investment in training of new hires and current employees that delivers the expected results (Lawson, 2002). In this context, one of the best ways to track the effectiveness of employee training program is the Kirkpatrick Model that is the well-known and used model for measuring the effectiveness of training programs. This model creates and tracks properly to serve as a benchmark to measure and improve progress towards a set of goals of the organization (English, 2001). Therefore, following are some effective steps for evaluating the training effectiveness: Reaction of participants about training: In evaluating process about training effectiveness through reaction of participants will help to provide some essential results to find-out the training effectiveness. In this process, organization can use some methods to analyze the training effectiveness such as program evaluation sheets, face-to-face interviews and participants’ comments throughout the training (Kirkpatrick & Donald, 2009). This process helps the organization to obtain automatic feedback of the training program (Kirkpatrick & Donald, 2009). Further, through this process organization can find answers regarding the learners’ perceptions and training effectiveness. This process gains knowledge about whether the participants liked the training and it has relevant to their work or not. Learning of participants: The evaluation of training effectiveness through the process of learning, an organization can compare the performance of participants through test scores and assessments before training and after training and can assess the amount of learning due to training program (Gould & Martindale, 2009). For example: Suppose in a pre test, 65% employees out of 100 employees perform well and after training approx 85% employees perform well in post test, then result can prove that training is effective. In this way, organization can evaluate the training effectiveness.

(Evaluation Showing Results of Pretest and Post Test) Behaviors of participants: In the participants’ behavior process for tracking the training effectiveness, the organization can see how the participants’ behavior has exchanged because of the training program. In this process, organization can observe and ask the feedback of participants’ behavior by peers, managers and instructors in working environment (Werner & Desimone, 2011). Result of training program: It is the most effective process in tracking the training effectiveness because it helps the organization to judge the results due to training. In this process, the organization can understand the training effectiveness through increased production, increased sales, decreased costs, improved quality and reduced frequency of accidents (Werner & Desimone, 2011). Further, the organization can also understand through higher profits on investment, positive changes in management style and in general behavior, favorable feedback from customers, peers and subordinates (Gould & Martindale, 2009). Conclusion From the above discussion by Australia assignment help experts concluded that the training and education is vital for success of healthcare organizations. Further, importance of measuring competencies of training and education in healthcare is also important in improvement of healthcare providers’ performance. Moreover, the tracking process is also beneficial for organization to evaluate the training effectiveness. In this way, the organization can follow all the tracking processes such as reaction of participants about training, learning of participants, behaviors of participants and result of training program in training effectiveness. References Carayon, P. (2011). Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety. USA: CRC Press. English, G. (2001). Solving the people puzzle: practical strategies for optimizing workforce performance. USA: Human Resource Development Gould, J.W & Martindale, D.A. (2009). The Art and Science of Child Custody Evaluations. USA: Cengage Learning Kirkpatrick & Donald (2009).            Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels. USA: Lawson, K. (2002). New Employee Orientation Training. USA: American Society for Training and Development. Marchildon, G.P., Forest, P & McIntosh, T.A. (2004). Romanow Papers: Changing health care in Canada. Canada: University of Toronto Press. Reid, W.H & Silver, S.B. (2002). Handbook of mental health administration and management. UK: Psychology Press. Werner, J.M & Desimone, R.L. (2011). Human Resource Development. USA: Cengage Learning Willis, E., Reynolds, L & Helen, K. (2008). Understanding the Australian Health Care System. Australia: Elsevier Australia. Get 24X7 Univerisy and high school assignment help services from the experts of US and Australia.