Workplace diversity Case Study Assignment Help

Diversity in the organization is helpful for sustaining in the competitive international market environment. In this assignment help paper importance of workplace diversity in the organization has also been discussed. Workplace diversity is important for all the organizations in order to sustain in the competitive market environment. Workplace diversity is the need for every business firms due to the changing needs of customers. After the globalization, geographical gaps between different countries have been reduced. Further, companies have to adopt all the cultures and values within the organization in order to serve the customers. Workplace diversity in the organization builds mutual respect among the employees.

Nowadays, employees working in the teams and groups are comprised of different work styles and cultures. People can gain knowledge and skills through the adoption of workplace diversity. Employees with different cultures and values share ideas and opinions with each other and develop the skills (Kenyon, 2005). Further, diversified workforce is helpful in adopting the market changes. Employees develop new and innovative product and services through varied skills and knowledge. Companies are also able to develop supportive working environment through the workplace diversity. At the same time, it is analyzed that organization has to form certain rules and regulations in order to manage the diversified workforce. Workplace diversity is also helpful in building the sound image of the organization in the overall market. Business reputation improves, when company reflects its commitment towards diversity through its recruiting efforts. Diversified workforce in the organization increases the exposure of employees about different cultures and backgrounds. Organizations have to adopt the workplace diversity in order to sustain in the international market. Further, to serve the diversified need of customers efficiently, organization has to hire the diversified workforce. Organization is also able to explore various opportunities through the diversified workforce. For example, British Airways has developed the diversified workplace and focuses towards equal employment opportunity. This company has gained the competitive advantage through diversified workforce.

Therefore, in order to give competition to the rivalry firms in international market, companies have to recruit the employees with different cultures and values (D’Almeida, 2007). It is analyzed that organization can be able to achieve better results through the people of different backgrounds. Further, having diversity in the organization will be helpful in bringing creativeness into the business. Diversity in the workplace enables the organization to acquire all round talent, tap new markets and have good governmental policies. Processing and harnessing of different cultures and skills by the organization will lead to enhance productivity. Team diversity can affect the team performance and can achieve the objectives efficiently. It is analyzed that team members with different skills will generate high productivity. Team dynamics involve the behavioral relationship between team members. Workplace diversity directly affects the behavior of team members (Konrad, Pringle & Prasad, 2006).

People with different cultures will develop the supportive behavior among the team members. Team dynamics include the communication, innovation, efficiency and motivation. All these factors are also affected by the workplace diversity. Team leaders have to provide proper communication channel to the diversified workforce in order to achieve the goals efficiently. Efficiency among the team members can be improved through workplace diversity. It has been analyzed that through diversified workforce, members exchange ideas and opinions with each other and bring efficiency in the organization. Thus, it is analyzed that diversified workforce is directly and indirectly related with team dynamics. Organization can develop the team dynamics on the basis of the type of workforce (Hayes & Ninemeier, 2008). Effectiveness of the team majorly depends on the type of resources in the organization. Thus, organization has to use different cultures in order to make efficient team dynamics. Conclusion From the above discussion by business case study assignment help experts concluded that groups are formed in order to make proper coordination between different departments. On the other hand, teams are formed to achieve the specified task of the organization. Workplace diversity is important for the organization in order to serve the customers’ efficiently.