Live tutors assignment help

Grades in graduate and postgraduate degree matter a lot. Good grades tell that a student is dedicated towards his work and can be trusted with the responsibility of a job. Acquiring good grades throughout the course is not an easy task. One has to be consistent with the studies for three to four years fulfilling every academic task. You cannot just rely on performing best in the term papers for that. Assignments form a significant portion of grand total. They are meant to inculcate a deeper understanding of the subject in students by making them work on the real life situations that are related to the subject matter taught in the class. Assignments are of different types and vary with the subjects. Assignment help Singapore has enumerated some common tasks that are asked by universities. 

1.Essay- an essay is a description of a topic considering all the conflicting opinions that form a conclusion at the end. It has three parts-

  • Introduction- it includes the topic and the necessity for its discussion.
  • Body- it includes all the factors with the evidences in their support.
  • Conclusion- this states the results derived from the discussion.

2.Case study- it is meant to analyse a situation, person or event and their effects. It requires a lot of research and understanding of a given topic. 

3.Report- it includes the findings or result of a study and the proposals to counter the results. 

4.Literature review- it is generally a part of a larger research project. It involves an analysis of available literature on a particular subject of study. 

5.Abstract- it is a summary describing a research paper, presentation or an academic study. Its purpose is to provide an overview to the audience before the beginning of discussion. 

6.Research proposal- it is meant to obtain the permission for starting research on a particular topic. You need to describe the objectives and your approach of achieving them. 

7.Business report- it focuses on a business problem and the methods to rectify it. These assignment tasks carry different marks and together form a significant portion of grand total. Therefore, it is imperative to complete them accurately and submit them on time. Apart from that, the content should be original and devoid of any kind of plagiarism. If the source of content is not provided, it can result in a complete disaster. Of course you are allowed to introduce information from books or websites but you must enlist it using one of the various citation styles such as MLA, Chicago, APA, Harvard etc. asked by your professor. Since students are engaged in a lot of activities at the same time, it is hard for them to give appropriate time to a particular assignment. If you are also worried about your assignment, we can help you out. Our assignment writing service is working with the sole purpose of providing students with the top quality homework. Our academic team is highly experienced in meeting the expectation of students in achieving the best grades in class.