The Perfect Revision Plan for Exams

All of us understand the importance of revision. Right before the exams if there is anything that students are worried about, it is the revision of a lengthy course structure involving several subjects. Revision not only is intensely boring but also gets extremely difficult when you have to recall things that you studied months ago. It is easy to remember things that you studied recently. As time passes by concepts automatically wipe out of memory. Success in university exams depends a lot on your ability to retain the subject matter in mind. Therefore, it is essential to give your best at revision. Our assignment experts are giving some important tips to revise effectively for the exams.

1. Find a suitable space- Revision requires your mind to work with full concentration. Choose a place with minimum distraction. Log out of your social media accounts and keep everything away that you like to fiddle with. It is better to sit on a rigid chair. If you find it hard to focus at home, you may go to the library or a coffee shop but sit in a quieter place.

2. Draw a schedule- You are only a few days away from the exam and so, it is better to make a clear timetable of how and when you will be studying a subject. This will keep you on track as you could monitor your progress at the end of the day.

3. Summarize- After revising for half an hour, recall what you have learned and summarized it in a few lines before moving on. This way you will be able to find what you left out and need to go over once again.

4. Draw freely- While revising you should make use of pen and paper to draw diagrams occasionally. In comparison to theory, diagrams and charts fetch more marks and are easier to recall at the time of the exam. Make use of colored pens, as it will help to imprint images in your memory.

5. Explain to a friend- With exams approaching, it is easy to find someone in need of help. You can offer to teach some topics to your friends. When you explain something, you are able to see the gaps in your knowledge and can quickly redeem it by going over the text.

6. Solve test papers- Going over papers from past year exams will let you evaluate your understanding. This will also guide you in focusing on topics that are crucial from the point of view of exams.

7. Take breaks- It will serve no good to revise with a worked up mind. Take breaks in between study sessions to refresh your mind for more input.

8. Get help from teachers- If you are unable to comprehend a topic, it is better to consult your teacher than mulling over it for hours. Your teacher will appreciate it more if you visit him a few weeks before the paper. You also need to ensure proper rest. Taking nap and a good night’s sleep will make your mind ready for productive reception.

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