Apple Environmental Scan Assignment Help

By considering the widespread use and importance of environmental scan, Apple Inc is selected as real-world examples to conduct environment scan by our assignment help experts.

External Environment of Apple Inc Opportunities Following are several opportunities for Apple Inc:

Innovation: It is true that Apple is known for its innovative models, designs and features, but the company has scope to further make innovation in order to sustain its competitive advantage. It will help it to maintain the attractiveness of its business.


Following are several threats for Apple Inc:

Competition: Computer and mobile industry are also full of competition. Firms like Samsung, Motorola, and Nokia etc are also developing similar kinds of products offered by Apple Inc to challenge its brands. So, these competitive strategies may also pose threat to the market share of Apple Inc.

Laws: Apple Inc has faced several lawsuits due to use of Child Labor at its suppliers manufacturing site in Asian markets. So, the company may further also face criticism and lawsuit, if not focus on these issues effectively.

Internal Environment of Apple Inc Strengths: Innovation, strong brand image and market share are several strengths of Apple Inc. All these positive aspects provide a competitive advantage to the company.

Weaknesses: Lack of control over suppliers is a weak point that should be handled by Apple Inc. Due to this aspect, the company faces other issues like lawsuits and negative public image.

Competitive Advantages: Apple Inc is a computer manufacturing company that is known for its designs and features of products. Innovation is the competitive advantage of Apple Computers. Due to innovation, the company has maintained its competitive position in the market. Innovation strategy is used by Apple to maintain its competitive advantage. As a part of this strategy, the company introduces new features and designs in its products to maintain its position. For example, the company keeps experimenting with its iPhone in terms of new feature introduction. With iPods as well as iTunes, the company has developed revolution in the digital music world. if you looking for Apple iPhone case study assignment help then you can also contact us.

Value Creating Strategy: Apple Inc creates value by offering innovative products and services to its target market. Under this, the company uses new features for its product ranges like iTunes, iPhone, iPod etc. All these products have different versions with some modified features that are not offered by the rival firms with similar differentiation. With the help of this innovative business strategy, Apple Inc sustains its competitive advantage in the market.

For example, with the help of iPhone 5, the company has made a revolution in the smartphone category of the products. Another example of innovative strategy is iPad mini that entails every inch an iPad. Furthermore, Superstorm Sandy relief service of the company helps the victim that is also a value-creating strategy. Retina display over iPad is another effective step taken by Apple Inc that assists it to sustain its competitive advantage. This iPad is now available with faster wi-fi connection, twice the performance and new facetime HD camera. MacBook Pro with 13-inch retina display is also an innovative product of Apple Inc that differentiates its offerings from rival firms.

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