Apple’s iPads Customized Cases Business Assignment Help

Apple’s iPads Customized Cases Business Assignment Help Memorandum


To: Apple Inc From: Analyst Date: 26 May, 2016

Subject: Develop recommendations for Apple Inc in terms of unique product characteristics and market niche Results of Competitive Analysis According to the competitive analysis, it is identified that there are various potential partners for the customized product iPad.

Out of these partners, Using help my business assignment for Publication Company that is well known like McGraw-Hill Corporation can be teamed by Apple Inc to market its customized iPad. This publication company is well known for its rich content among scholars and widely used by people all over the world. So, partnership with this company will provide a new edge to the business of Apple that further will improve value and competitive advantage to Apple Inc in the tech market (Apple Inc, 2013).

Characteristics of the Market Following are characteristics of Niche market to which the customized product will be marketed by business assignment help experts:

Higher Income: Income level of niche market to which Apple Inc will market its customized iPad will be higher.

Educational Level: Educational level of niche market will be also good, as to use customized iPad, it is vital to have proper educational level (Miltenberg, 2005).

Lifestyle: People living modern and high lifestyle will be targeted for the customized iPad by Apple Inc along with its prospective partner firm.

Occupation: Customized iPad will cater the needs of students, professionals, business people etc.

Age: All age group ranges from children, teenagers, youngsters, and middle age to old age will be the target market for market niche strategy of Apple Inc. It is so, as nowadays, every age people want to experience the benefits of innovation that come in the form of customized products like iPad.


Relative Advantage: Apple Inc should ensure relative advantage of its customized iPad in terms of saving time and efforts, better performance, extent of innovation etc to ensure total product value in the market. In other words, Apple Inc should ensure that new version of iPad either differentiates itself in terms of benefits or services to the customers. Hence, company should offer more innovation to the customized version of iPad to win the perception of customers (Shimp, 2008). These aspects of relative advantage will increase the adoption rate of customized iPad among the customers.

Compatibility: Compatibility of new product will also decide the product value. So, to ensure expected value, company should ensure that its new features are competitive enough to meet the innovation related demand of consumers. It will position the new product strongly among the users.

Observability: Apple Inc. should also ensure that its new brand is observable in terms of its positive effects of usage by the users or consumers. So, Apple should increase the observable behavior to create value of the new brand among its users.

Trialability: Extent to which the new brand can be tried by the consumers to minimize the perceived risk is known as trialability (Shimp, 2008). So, Apple Inc should ensure that trialability rate of customized iPad should be higher to increase its adoption rate and maximize the total product value among consumers. It can be increased by improving the visible features of the brand that attract consumers to have a trial of the brand.

Overall Value Proposition Overall value proposition of the brand can be assessed in terms of its uniqueness. So, Apple Inc is suggested to ensure that the customized version of iPad should be based on unique features. Along with this, it is true that iPad has a unique image in the minds of consumers. So, to leverage that image, company should add features that are adorable, accessible, and easily understandable and have high rate of innovation as compared to its original version. It will help Apple Inc to strengthen its market image and set a strong value proposition of iPad among the users. Furthermore, Apple should ensure that specification of product are innovative enough to attract the attention of users that have strong desire to experience something unique in today’s fast changing technological world, where rival firms are ready to copy the innovative ideas of each other.

Unique Product Characteristics Market niche has diverse needs in terms of product features or characteristics. As per Apple case study help experts, Following are several suggestions in terms of unique product characteristics for Apple Inc. to offer in its customized iPad:

Electronic Textbook: Customized version of iPad will have electronic textbook as a unique characteristic. It will provide advantage to the users to have electronic versions of textbook on iPad that will help them to access rich content without accessing other sources. This feature of new product will appeal those users of niche market who are passionate about reading textbook anytime, anywhere.

Retina Display: Customized iPad will also offer retina display that is also a unique feature of the new product (Apple Inc, 2013).

Portable Size: Customized iPad will have portable size that can be easily handled by the users like children. It will appeal the niche market at high extent.

References- Apple Inc. (2013). Retrieved from Miltenburg, J. (2005). Manufacturing Strategy: How To Formulate And Implement A Winning Plan. (2nd ed). New York: Productivity Press. Shimp, T.A. (2010). Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications. (8th ed). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

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