Salespeople have many demands on their day, with many requirements to meet daily goals and quotas as well as follow-up activities. The more sales prospects you can see in a given day the greater your opportunity to have a sale. Therefore, the more people you can see in a day the better. The long and short of it is that sales performance equates to money.
The more effective a sales professional is, the more successful, promotable, and so on, they will be. In this assignment, you will explore ways to improve performance. Think about how you may increase your performance. How will you work smarter, but not harder? Given the situation, information in your textbook, and additional resources as you feel are necessary, develop a plan to increase your performance and numbers as a salesperson. Here is some additional information that you will need to consider:
- Currently, you are able to schedule four sales appointments per day that take roughly one hour each. In addition, three hours are used for follow-up with customers.
- The rest of your time is set for:
- Preparation.
- Lead generation.
- Paperwork.
- Travel time.
Given this information, you need to find a way to:
- Set one more sales appointment per day.
- Increase your lead generation and follow-ups to build your customer relationships.
You may consider utilizing many different methods or approaches to do this, such as amending processes, time management strategies, using technology, and so on to maximize your eight-hour work day. Your written report can be in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, or Word, whatever you feel is appropriate. Regardless of the format, make sure that it is prepared so that it could be presented to your boss. This may be around one sheet in Excel or two to three pages in Word. Ways to Improve Sales Performance Introduction In present scenario, it is important for the firm to increase growth as well as sales of the firm to attain competitive position.
Generally, companies today focus more on product improvement and services irrespective of similar importance to the sales. The sales volume decides the success of any company. It is an important aspect of any business to achieve success and growth. The sales person plays a vital role in the success of a company because they are the person who actually generates revenue for the company (Hurst & Watson, 2001).
Ways to Improve Performance
There are many ways to increase the performance of the sales persons to follow up the maximum sale. These are as follow:
Time management: The foremost duty of a salesperson is to manage its time in such a way that it could help salespersons in generating maximum calls in a day. It goes hand in hand with goal setting. Besides being measurable and attainable a deadline should be fixed to enhance the performance level of the salespersons. The salesperson should manage a prospect list and protect them from losing to the competitor. The salesperson should transfer the unfinished work from the previous day.
The priority should be given to that task which is important on a long-term basis. The salespersons should identify the time killer and focus on generating maximum calls (Gaines & Coleman, 2003). Replace the in-person sales call: Travelling to meet the prospect may take sales away from the salesperson. It also takes so much time for the salesperson, so, if possible the salesperson should arrange for an audio and video conference. It enables salespersons to share documents similar to an in-person meeting without any expense (Converse, 2008). It also supports the high performance of the salespersons as well as an organization.
Keep in touch with current customers: While trying to acquire new customer it is not possible for the salespersons to be in contact with the current customers. So, there is a need of continuous link-up between the customer and the salesperson through mails or any other means of communication (Allard, 1994).It will help in lead generation that will be beneficial for salespersons to score high and achieve its goals.
Spend less time in training: The salespersons have to spend 10 to 20 hrs per month on training depending on the nature of product and industry. It can be reduced and more focus should be on selling (Hall, 2006). It will help the salespersons to prepare their planning for work paper and achieve their tasks. It will also help the salespersons to save the time that will help them to increase the number of customers of the firm. Create the need for product: The salesperson should create a need for the product among its prospects. Through increasing awareness among the customers for the organization’s product, it can be done. By targeting the potential customers, salespersons can increase the number of customers and their performance.
Ways to Create Customer Relationship
Customers are the main key for an organizational growth and success. Most of the successful companies see their 80% of their business from 20% of their customers. To enhance the growth and success of the firm, many tools and techniques like customer relationship management are used by the firms. Many business firms neglect their loyal customer’s base in order to get new customer base. Ways to increase customer base and maintain customer relationship are as follow:
Customer Relationship Management: Customer relationship management is an important part of an organization’s management system to increase customer base of the firm. In this manner, many strategies are followed by the firm to increase number of customer for the firm. So, the firm should develop CRM in the organization to attract and acquire the customers.
Building network: The firm should develop the social network to maintain relationship with customers. In this way, the network can be in the form of the people with whom they have met in school, offices, supplier and many more can be there. These can be potential customer of the firm which can help in lead generation and follow up (Kerr, 2002). Communication: It is one of another aspect to building up the relationship with customers. Communication on regular basis helps the company to know about the needs of their customers and helps to make and increase lead generation (Strunk & Baran, 2007).
Rewarding loyal customer: The Company should reward the loyal customers in order to retain them and make a lead and follow up by their help. If the company would follow this strategy then the customer also wants to be loyal towards the company and also encourage its network to use the product of the company.
From the above discussion, it is concluded that sales is a very important part of any business. Without increasing the sales volume, no company can think about the growth and success. Salespersons are the important part of all business strategy and operations. So, the sales persons should be given more priority to generate more sales and to maintain a healthy relationship with the existing customers.
Allard, L. (1994). Lessons and Adventures in Sales. Pelican Publishing Converse, P. (2008).
Introduction to Marketing – Principles of Wholesale and Retail Distribution. Read Books. Gaines, G & Coleman, D. (2003).
Florida Post-Licensing Education for Real Estate Salespersons. Dearborn Real Estate. Hall, K.( 2006). The Servant Salesman: Applying Biblical Scripture for Improved Performance &Results. Tate Publishing. Hurst, S & Watson, N.(2001).
Bite-size sales tips: practical ways to improve your sales performance. Kogan Page Publishers. Kerr, C & Anderson, K.(2002). Customer relationship management.
McGraw-Hill Professional Strunk, D& Baran, J. (2007).
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