Business Assignment Help on Safe Work Environment

Work location is the primary factor that needs to consider while doing the production of goods and services. Efficient working conditions will indirectly make improvement in the performance of the employees. In this assignment help paper, process of selecting suitable design for work location has been discussed.


Process to determine Work Location Work location is the physical geographical area, where the employees perform their activities and it can also be considered as the immediate surroundings of the workplace. Work location can be construction site or office building. It has been analyzed that before, selecting the work location, person has identify the various factors such as quality of air, noise level, availability of raw materials, water supply, transportation facilities, distance from warehouse, etc.


All these factors indirectly affect the overall working of the organizations (Blazey, 2009). Thus, it is necessary to consider the external as well as internal factors while selecting the work location. After analyzing the external factors, companies have to consider the internal factors such as healthy working environment and proper flow of raw materials. Organizations have to consider the current market situation before selecting the current design of work location. According to the changing market condition, organizations also have to change the work location. Companies have to make changes in the current working environment and inbuilt the new technologies and machinery within the company. Before, selecting the work location, companies also have to consider the climatic conditions in order to provide the supportive working environment (Sharkey & Davis, 2008).


Apart from this safe work environment assignment help , companies should also consider the ergonomics factors in the work function. Ergonomics can be defined as process of changing the working environment such as equipment, furniture, pace of work, etc. in order to fit physical requirements. This concept stated that, organization should change the working conditions rather than forcing them adopts the prevailing job. This strategy will indirectly affect the physical working conditions of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to inbuilt the ergonomics sensitive work environment. This will be helpful in reducing the absenteeism and will provide the bottom line benefits. It has been analyzed that ergonomics factors forces the company to adopt tasks, work stations, tools and equipment that fit to the worker conditions (Jacobs, 2007). This will be helpful in reducing the physical and mental stress on workers. Work location should be selected in such a way that will reduce the overall cost of production. Location should be easily approachable to the market, so that it will reduce the transportation cost.


According to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) various problems have been found in the companies due to ergonomics disorder. Therefore, in order to overcome such type of disorder, companies have to integrate the ergonomics sensitive working environment. Efficient work location will also be helpful in motivating the employees for better performance, which in turn useful in providing the efficient product and services to customers (Dul & Weerdmeester, 2008). Identifying the external market condition is helpful in selecting the appropriate work location for performing the activities. Physical working condition is overall conditions in which the individual and staff work. Physical working condition can be selected after analyzing the factors such as amenities, stress, noise level, degree of safety and physical environment. It has been analyzed that organizations have to include the ergonomics of work function and physical working conditions. From the above discussion by our Business Assignment Writing Help experts, it has been analyzed that external as well as internal market conditions affect the working location of the companies. Organizations should focus towards the different areas such as availability of resources, transportation facilities, etc. before selecting the current design for work location (Meyers, 2010).


References- Blazey, M.L. (2009). Insights to Performance Excellence 2009-2010: An Inside Look at the 2009-2010 Baldrige Award Criteria. USA: ASQ Quality Press. Dul, J. & Weerdmeester, B.A. (2008). Ergonomics for Beginners: A Quick Reference Guide. USA: CRC Press. Jacobs, K. (2007). Ergonomics for Therapists. USA: Elsevier Health Sciences. Meyers, S. (2010). Community Practice in Occupational Therapy: A Guide to Serving the Community: A Guide to Serving the Community. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Sharkey, B.J. & Davis, P.O. (2008). Hard Work: Defining Physical Work Performance Requirements. USA: Human Kinetics.