Business HR Improvement and Evaluation Assignment Help

Business HR Improvement and Evaluation Assignment Help Improvement and Evaluation

HR is an important business function because its effectiveness is closely related to the performance of a business. Effectiveness of HR can also be measured by looking at the level of loyalty and involvement of staff. If the employees are highly interested in taking part in company activities such as annual meeting, staff get-together, and other events then it represents the effectiveness of HR at workplace. Low employee turnover rates also an important indicator of the HR effectiveness in an organization (Lawler, 2012).

I am the employees of an automobile company and my company’s HR is quite effective in the job. On the basis of employee turnover, employee engagement or satisfaction, average revenue by employee and workplace complaints, I could say that my company’s HR is effective in its job. HR management of my company offers appropriate pay, benefits, and training and development opportunities in all areas that motivate the employees to perform well.

It is beneficial for HR to improve revenue per employees through hiring and retaining quality employees those will be more productive and generate more revenues in the firm. HR management of company fairly provides incentives and other financial benefits to employees who achieve their objectives. Fair HR practices, policies and strategies motivates employee to perform well or achieve its objective. HR management focuses on creating good working environment in which team members perform at their maximum potential that plays an important role to motivate employees and perform well (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). It also contributes to retain the employees and satisfy them that represent the higher HR effectiveness in my job. HR effectiveness is also measured on the basis of turnover ratio and workplace complaints. HR management of my company focuses on reducing the turnover among top performers through providing incentives and other financial benefits to them on the basis of their performance. HR also maintains communication with employees to solve the problems and conflicts of them (Armstrong, 2006) Business Law Assignment Help.

Attractive promotional pays, incentives, training and development policies of company contribute to retain employees and reduce the turnover ratio. My company has strong HR policies or programs such as training on anti-harassment, non-discrimination and employee protection, fair compensation and benefit policy, etc, which play an important role to protect the employees and reduce the complaints at workplace. Learning and growth opportunities and on-the-job learning and training concept contribute to reduce the accident and injury cases at workplace that reduces the workplace complaints (Dowling, Festing & Engle, 2008). On the basis of low employee turnover ratio and less workplace complaints, it could be said that HR is effectively performing its job in my organization. HR of my company supports all the employees through providing training and development on regular basis. HR department supported me from the first day of joining through introducing me with other employees that was beneficial for me to be familiar with others. It provided training to me related to my job or work and encouraged me that helped me to effectively doing of my job and motivated me to perform well. HR management plays an important role to build on a platform of mutual respect and trust through maintaining the two-way internal communication (Secord, 2003).

HR management continuously communicates with me to identify the problem faced by me during work and focuses to solve them that improved the performance of me. Effective communication and continuous training and development policy of HR provides the employees good atmospheres at workplace that helps me to achieve individual objectives. Fair and non-discrimination nature of HR protect me and contribute to build mutual understanding and trust with them (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003). Supporting nature of HR helped me to take my position in organization.

References- Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10th ed.). UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Dowling, P.J., Festing, M. & Engle, A.D. (2008). International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context (5th ed.). UK: Cengage Learning EMEA. Lawler, E. (2012). Effective Human Resource Management: A Global Analysis. USA: Stanford University Press. Mathis, R.L. & Jackson, J.H. (2011). Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives (6th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Rothwell, W.J. & Kazanas, H.C. (2003). Planning and Managing Human Resources: Strategic Planning for Human Resources Management (2nd ed.). USA: Human Resource Development. Secord, H. (2003). Implementing Best Practices in Human Resources Management. Canada: CCH Canadian Limited. is the most popular website for solving  business HR case study assignment help and business assignment help. We have wide experience of writing assignment on case study that makes us perfect for solving assignment