Communication and Personality in Negotiation Assignment Help

Communication and Personality in Negotiation Introduction

It is expected that, from time-to-time, disagreement and conflict will take place due to the differing needs, desires, directs and notions of people are brought together. In these kinds of situation negotiation is quite significant. Without effective negotiation, such kinds of conflict situation may direct towards controversy and hatred ensuing in one or all involved parties feeling disgruntled (Griffin, 2007). As per business case study assignment help experts, With the help of negotiation all parties involved try to arrive at agreements that does not cause any barriers for future communications and relations (Kennedy, 2009). Negotiation is a method through which people try to settle their differences through compromise of agreement (Hilligsoe, 2009). In present all people negotiate in their professional and personal life and similar is the situation with me. Here, in this paper, a negotiation example of my salary is depicted after selected in an interview for a job position. Here, the roles of communication and personality in negotiation are described along with the discussion how they contributed to or detracted from the negotiation. As well, the elements of a negotiation, and the problems experienced while negotiation are discussed along with the methods to address these problems.


Role of Communication in Negotiation Negotiation pertains to a process of communication, in which all parties involved send message to each other in an attempt to influence and convince each other. By adding all elements of negotiation it seems as interpersonal communication. Communication is vital in the process of negotiation and this is also clear with my own salary discussion situation (Griffin, 2007). Communications done at the time of negotiation takes place at two levels that are the logical level and the pragmatic level. In negotiation what is said by a party to another one is important along with the significance of how delivered information was designed, conveyed, or perceived. So, there is a need of significant care while presenting direct pragmatic messages as done by me along with the use of non-verbal communication (Hilligsoe, 2009). At the time of negotiating with interviewer regarding my final salary, our case study help experts said that, I tried to follow all essential rules of negotiation communications. For agreeing interviewer about the desired salary, I focussed a lot on my listening skills that is imperative for resolving a discussion. I heard him with attention and become able to justify my viewpoints and all arguments about the desired salary. Active listening directed me towards an effective analysis of interviewer thinking and behaviour and answering all his questions in optimistic manner (Kennedy, 2009). Use of my knowledge about industry remuneration for the applied position as per the experiences and skills also assisted me in effectively convincing recruiter and resolving the negotiation in a positive manner. In addition to this, I was also ready for using effective verbal and non-verbal that also helped a lot in attaining positive results. So, the communication really contributed towards successful negotiation (Lewicki, Barry & Saunders, 2009).


Role of Personality in Negotiation In addition to communication, personality also contributed a lot in my salary discussion with interviewer. Negotiation is a discourse of discussion between two or more than two parties that is highly influenced by their specific personalities. Knowledge of each other’s personality assists in concluding a negotiation process in an effective manner (Griffin, 2007). Knowing the type of personality one is dealing with helps a lot in concluding the negotiation in successful manner on the basis of two situations that are win/win and win/lose situation. I started my salary discussion with an aim to arrive at win-win situation and in this concern; I focussed on identifying the type of personality interviewer has from the beginning of our discussion. Normally, there are four types of personalities; dominating, authoritative, stable, and submissive. Persons with respective personalities deal and react differently due to the underlying beliefs’ and values (Schilling, 2007). At the time of my discussion with interviewed, I come to know that he is a submissive type of personality. Subsequent to the knowledge of his personality, I used and discussed all related information and current figures of industry average salary structures that in turn helped me in convincing him. Submissive types of personalities are convinced with facts, figures, and current information that also helped me a lot in concluding the negotiation with win-win situation.


Elements of Negotiation and Problems Experienced The three key element of negotiation present in the salary negotiation are process, behaviour, and substance (agenda). Process pertains to the way me and interviewer negotiates with each through different techniques and strategies (Griffin, 2007). Behaviour refers to the way me and interviewer communicated with each other to make all points clear. Substance in the negotiation was deciding over a final salary to be offered as per the position, skills and experiences. The clear agenda helped a lot in concluding the negotiation in effective manner (Lewicki & Hiam, 2006). At the time of negotiating, initially I find it problematic to understand interviewer’s personality and methods appropriate to communicate with him but by listening him actively it become easy for me to use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication methods as per his personality (Rahim, 2010).   Conclusion With the help of above discussion bu our business case study help experts, it becomes clear that communication and personality plays a key role in successful negotiation along with the consideration of all key elements of negotiation and Big Five factors (Mannix et al., 2011).


References Griffin, R.W. (2007). Fundamentals of Management (5th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Hilligsoe, S. (2009). Negotiation. USA: Academica. Kennedy, G. (2009). Essential Negotiation: An A to Z Guide. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Landy, F.J. & Conte, J.M. (2009). Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3rd ed.). USA: John Wiley & Sons. Lewicki, R.J. & Hiam, A. (2006). Mastering Business Negotiation: A Working Guide to Making Deals and Resolving Conflict. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Lewicki, R.J., Barry, B. & Saunders, D.M. (2009). Negotiation (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Mannix, E.A. et al. (2011). Negotiation and Groups. USA: Emerald Group Publishing. Mehnert, M. (2008). Negotiation: Definition and Types, Manager’s Issues in Negotiation, Cultural Differences and the Negotiation Process. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Rahim, M.A. (2010). Managing Conflict in Organizations (4th ed.). USA: Transaction Publishers. Schilling, M. (2007). Negotiations with Incomplete Information under Time Pressure. Germany: GRIN Verlag.   You can avail Negotiation case study help and assignment help of all subjects. Our assignment help experts have fifteen years experience of providing assignment help to US,UK and Australian students. You will also get free plagiarism report so that you can check our quality assignment help services.You can also check our youtube video for how to get case study assignment help from assignment help experts com