Communication Process Assignment Help

Communication Process Assignment Help Communication is termed as the transmission of information and meaning from one person to another in an understandable manner. With the help of communication process assignment help, organizations can be able to manage the structure in effective manner. Communication process is the sharing of information between two or more person in which the sender transfers some message to the receiver.


In the business, communication process is important for its overall success (Lockwood, 2010). It is the process of creating and exchanging meaning through the symbolic interaction. Organization should follow the proper communication process in order to make the channel of communication effective. It has been analyzed that communication process includes five components such as sender, message, channel, receiver and feedback. In this process, sender or encoder is the person who sends the message. Sender makes use of symbols in order to convey the message. After this, communication process starts with deciding about the message to be conveyed. This is the subject matter of communication that needs to be passed to the receiver from the sender. In third step, the message is transmitted through written form, personal contact, telephone etc. Sender selects the appropriate channel of communication. After transferring the message, receipt receives the transmitted message (Eunson, 2012). Finally, feedback is necessary to ensure that the receiver has received the message and understood in the same sense as the sender wants.


Types of Communication It has been analyzed that there are mainly two types of communication such as formal and informal within the organization. Formal communication system is an officially prescribed path for flow of communication between various positions in the organization. Every organization has a hierarchical system through which information flows from higher level to the lower level. It is required in order to maintain the orderly and smooth flow of information within various departments. On the other hand, informal communication is the method which is not prescribed in the organization structure. It is formed through the interaction of employees during free time. Informal communication is also necessary in order to transfer the necessary information (Maurer, 2011). Informal communication is also known as the grapevine. It has been conducted in different types such as single strand chain, Gossip chain, probability chain and cluster chain. Through all these ways, information is transferred among the employees within the organization. It has been analyzed that it is necessary to adopt the different type of communication in order to maintain the smooth flow of information between various departments. Formal communication is done through the proper hierarchal structure whereas informal communication is conducted without any structure (Ruddick, 2009). As per case study assignment helper ,in this method, single information is transferred in the whole department during the gossips. This method is useful in maintaining the working environment healthy.


Moreover our case study assignment help experts says that, it is analyzed that without effective communication, organization will not be able to achieve the goals and objectives in an effective manner. Through communication, employees can exchange the knowledge and skills in order to complete the task efficiently. It is important for the organizations in order to perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, directing, staffing and controlling. All these functions can be performed only through the effective communication (Guffey & Almonte, 2009). With the help of formal and informal communication, organization can be able to develop the healthy working environment. It is analyzed that communication is helpful in motivating the employees for better performance. Informal communication also helps in socializing. Thus, it is analyzed that any type of communication is necessary for the business in order to sustain in the competitive market environment.


References Eunson, B. (2012). Communication in the Workplace. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Guffey, M.E. & Almonte, R. (2009). Essentials of Business Communication. USA: Cengage Learning. Lockwood, J. (2010). Globalization, Communication and the Workplace: Talking Across The World. USA: Continuum International Publishing Group. Maurer, R. (2011). Feedback Toolkit: 16 Tools for Better Communication in the Workplace. USA: CRC Press. Ruddick, G.E. (2009). Intergenerational Leadership Communication in the Workplace. USA: ProQuest.


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