Kaizen Strategy Assignment Help

Kaizen Strategy Assignment Help

Kaizen could be described as the concept, which is used by the businesses for the purpose of continuous improvement in quality, safety, culture, processes, leadership, technology, organization, and its productivity. Kaizen is also used to improve the security with its components, which brings quality in the organizational processes (Schonberger, 2008).


There are several components, which are use for the improvement of process. As per business strategy assignment help Following are the two components of kaizen, which are necessary for improving the security process: Customer focus: The current business environment is customer centric in which businesses are required to improve and adopt the customer needs ad respond them quickly. The customer focus brings the organization to understand the needs and requirements of the customers and to implement them within the business process, so that continuous improvement could be determined within the businesses (Madison, 2005).


This element of kaizen strategy determines that organization must seek the customer satisfaction for its growth and sustainability in the current business environment. In an organization there may be urgent need for improvement in quality, cost and delivery to increase the customer satisfaction and these needs are met by the kaizen strategy (Allen, 2001). With the customer focus component of kaizen, an organization evolves the problem-solving and system approach tools to attain the organizational goals. Customer focus is important for the improvement of security process. It is because the customer focus helps the businesses to identify the needs and requirements of the customers towards organizational products and services in terms of quality, delivery etc, which motivates the firms to adopt the processes and strategies, which could increase the customer satisfaction. For improving security and quality within organizational products and services, a firm would use the most efficient processes and strategies to meet the customer requirements and to increase their satisfaction (Sekine & Arai, 2006).


The firm is also required to ensure security measures in its products and services to increase the quality and customer satisfaction as well that makes it an essential component for improving the security process. Quality circles: It can be defined as the group or people established voluntarily, which shares the similar responsibilities and works similar tasks. The people in this group meet regularly to solve the problems in production and quality of products. The quality circle generally works under a supervisor or team leader (Kaizen Definition & Principles in Brief, 2006). The identification and solution of the production and quality problems of the organizational products improves the operations of the organizations. It also motivates the employees and enriches their work by involving them in decision making through quality circles (McKenna, 2000). The management of an organization also identifies the potential improvements in the organization, which make it an essential element to improve the security process of the organization. It is because this component will help the firm to identify the problems within the organization and to make strategies to solve them. It would also be effective to identify the aspects, which are essential for further improvement in the business arena, which is required for continuous improvement (Andersen, 2007). Thus, it is also necessary for improving security process.


Checklist for Quality Improvement

Date:……………………………………Division:……………………………… Project Leader:……………………..
Yes No
Strategies are placed to identify that offenders
Proper training facilities are available for staff and other members to understand the security measures
Responsibility for security is given properly among staff members
Proper monitoring of security is at place
There is an action plan for any security breach

This checklist could be used to determine the security improvement in the organization.

References Allen, M. (2001). Customer Relations Management. UK: Select Knowledge Limited. Andersen, B. (2007). Business Process Improvement Toolbox (2nd ed.). USA: ASQ Quality Press. Kaizen Definition & Principles in Brief. (2006). Retrieved from: http://www.michailolidis.gr/pdf/KAIZEN08.pdf Madison, D. (2005). Process Mapping, Process Improvement, and Process Management: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Work and Information Flow. USA: Paton Professional. McKenna, E.F. (2000). Business Psychology & Organisational Behaviour: A Student’s Handbook (3rd ed.). USA: Psychology Press. Schonberger, R.J. (2008). Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Sekine, K. & Arai, K. (2006). Kaizen for Quick Changeover: Going Beyond Smed. USA: Productivity Press.


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