Decision Making Model and Process Assignment Help

Decision Making Model and Process Assignment Help

Decision The organization has made a decision to implement new product line for business expansion.

 Steps This decision involved five steps of decision making model. These steps are as follow: Identification of problem: In this step, problem was identified in the organization, which was related to the business growth. Generation of alternatives: Under this step, different alternatives were generated. Like, introduction of new product line, extension of existing product line etc. Analysis and Selection of alternatives:

In this step, alternatives were analyzed by considering their pros and cons from business point of view (Daft & Marcic, 2010). After analysis, alternative of introducing new product line was selected by the organization. Implementation of best alternative: Next to above step, execution of selected alternative was performed by introducing new product line in the market. Evaluation and Control: In this step, evaluation of implemented alternative was performed by the organization in terms of response and feedback by customers. Model As per the process used in the decision making by the organization, five stage model of decision making was applied.

It is so, as the decision making process was a systematic process that involved five steps to frame the final decision (Daft & Marcic, 2010). Factors As per case study assignment help experts following are factors that determine the problem or decision types: Organizational Factors: Organizational factors like policies, procedures, politics and hierarchy play a great role in determining the type of a particular problem or decision. Perception Factors: Perception factors like perception of individuals, situations and object also determine the type of problem. Under these, personal values, interests, expectations and experience influence the perception of individuals to decide the type of problem or decisions in the organization (Factors Affecting Decision Making). Like, if a particular issue is causing problem to the interest and expectations of individuals, they start to categorize that issue as a major problem for the organization. Environmental Factors: Environmental factors like government legislation, reaction of customers, economic conditions and market determine the type of problems or decisions. It is so, as these factors play a great role in influencing the decisions made by the organizations for their business. Furthermore, by considering these factors, organization decides whether the identified issue is significant to be solved through a systematic process of decisions making or not. Personal Decision After considering the practice of experimental exercise by the management, I have reached at the conclusion that personal decision would be not same. In other words, my personal decision would be aimed to make more innovative decisions rather than adhering to common lines.

It is so, as this decision will assist in expanding the business and attaining the expected attention of stakeholders whether they are shareholders or customers. Reflection The results truly reflect my decision making style that is democratic. I usually follow democratic decision making style, which allows participation of all important personnel in developing decisions. Use of Exercise This exercise could be leveraged by allowing managers to think by considering all facts and figures of developing a decision that is evidence based management. By using this exercise, managers can be taught how each factor is important to be considered while formulating any decision for the organization. Along with this, managers could be also taught to apply critical thinking while practicing decision making process during exercise like manager’s shoptalk and innovative group decisions (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011). It will help managers to avoid bad decisions and develop better decisions. Strategies Team decision making is an important process that needs to be done by considering all the facts and figures that are vital from organizational point of view.

There are various forms of business strategies that can be used to develop team decision making. At the same time, it is also evident that strategies used by a team leader determine the success or failure of any team in future. As a team leader, I would use democratic style to develop decision making for the team (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011). I would involve the views and opinions of all team members before reaching to the final decision. It will help in ensuring agreement of all team members for the final decision. Along with this, this strategy will also assist in avoiding chances of any conflict or resistance by the team members in future. Furthermore, it will also improve coordination and collaboration among the team members that are considered vital for overall success of the team. References Daft, R.L. & Marcic, D. (2010). Understanding Management. (7th ed). USA: Cengage Learning. Factors Affecting Decision Making (n.d.). Retrieved from Griffin, R.W. & Moorhead, G. (2011). Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. (10th ed). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. We offer the best organizations and business assignment writing help services to our clients.We always provide the extra groundwork assignment help to the students that will help to get higher grades in assignment. We always provide the original and authentic business assignment writing help that will help you succeed in your academic career. We are available 24X7 for student assignment help so you can get answer of your assignment query in few minutes.  So contact us for assignment help at