Health Care Industry Case Study Assignment Help

Health Care Industry Case Study Assignment Help Introduction

In present business environment, there has been tough competition among hospitals, their health plans, physician groups and drug companies. Along with this, competition encourages health care organizations to provide quality services for patients to satisfy their needs and requirements (Lundy & Janes, 2009). In this health care case study assignment help paper, different forms of competition in health care organizations, benefits and pitfalls of competition in healthcare will be discussed. In addition of this case study, successful competition and use of competitive intelligence and influence of competition on the services of health care organizations will be described.

Different forms of competition In the past, competition in health care includes price, quality convenience and superior products or services elements. But in present, competition is based on new technology and innovation to provide better quality services to patients and reducing health care costs. There are different types of competition in health care industry such as: Zero-sum competition: In this system of competition, participants divide value rather than create value. This competition may increase value through creating unnecessary value. It includes greater bargaining power rather than efforts to provide better care services to patients. Along with this, zero sum competition limits the choice and access of services rather than providing better and efficient health care services (Porter & Teisberg, 2012). In this, system is structured and health plans generate money by refusing to pay and limiting the choices for physicians. This type of competition has incorrect level of competition, incorrect geographic market, focus on cost reduction and satisfaction surveys and offering improper incentives to subscribers. Positive sum competition: This type of competition focuses on prevention, diagnose and treatment of particular diseases. It has proper level of competition, suitable market and correct information about subscribers, providers, treatment and alternatives for specific conditions (Rivers & Glover, 2008). As per assignment help experts, In this competition, three components are included such as health care providers like physicians and practitioners, health care organization like hospitals and third one is health care plans and insurance.

Benefits and pitfalls Benefits: Competition is beneficial for health care industry to improve the quality of services and provide better services to patients. Along with this, competition reduces the cost and provides low cost services and health plans to customers for attracting them towards low cost (Rivers & Glover, 2008). Additionally, competition forces on organization and practitioners to implement new innovations and technology in their organizations for giving better services to customers. Competition focuses on the satisfaction of customers through the quality of their services. In competitive environment, customers get quality services at reasonable prices. Pitfalls: At the same time, competition increases the cost of operation of organization that recovers from customers and patients. Along with this, competition increases the risks of fraud and deception in practices. Sometimes, practitioners and surgeons do mistakes in hasty manner for increasing their revenue that is risky for patients (Porter & Teisberg, 2012). Additionally, for competing with competitors, organizations try to reduce their costs by decreasing the quality of products and services. So, these are the pitfalls of competition in health care industry.

Alternative Apart from competition, customer satisfaction and brand image for good quality services should be a main driver of operations in the US health care systems. Health care organizations can provide better services to customers for developing a good image in the minds of them and in the market of health care industry.

Essence of successful competition For the successful competition, it is important that all health care organizations focus on higher quality and cost effective health care services to customers. Competition plays an important role in consumer protection in satisfying the needs and preferences for high quality health care services (Rivers & Glover, 2008). Competition should result in new and improved products and services for customers, cheaper alternatives and branded medicines, treatments with less pain and less side effects. So, competition should enhance the delivery of high quality and cost effective services to patients. Competitive intelligence is helpful in successful competition. Health care organizations can gain competitive intelligence through unique pricing and positioning strategies, quality products and services, in-depth research of provider organizations, physicians, solution partners and competitors (Federal Trade Commission, 2004). Organization should focus on their competitive intelligence that helps to provide better services to customers and healthy competitive environment in health care industry.

Influence of competition Competition influences the services of health care organizations. Through competition, customers can get various choices and quality products and services. Health care services: Health care organizations compete for physicians, third party payers and patients to provide services in their organization (Federal Trade Commission, 2004). Competition increases new development of technology, new medical discoveries and innovation to get competitive intelligence. It reduces cost of operations and quality of services. Health care plans: Organizations provide health care financing and insurance and health care plans to customers for their financial help in future. Competition in health care plans can be identified through premiums, benefit and quality (Lundy & Janes, 2009). Customers have different choices regarding the payment, returns and quality of services.    

References Federal Trade Commission (2004). Improving health care: A dose of competition. Retrieved from: Lundy, K. S. & Janes, S. (2009). Community Health Nursing: Caring for the Public’s Health. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Porter, M. E. & Teisberg, E. O. (2012).Redefining Competition in Healthcare. Retrieved from: Rivers, P. A. & Glover, S. H. (2008). Health care competition, strategic mission, and patient satisfaction: research model and propositions. Journal of Health Organization Management, 22(6), 627–641. Get Health Care Industry Case Study Assignment Help with US and Australia assignment help experts. We are the most trusted and experienced writers of Australia. After getting our case study assignment help services, you will very happy and we always do follow the student and assignment guidelines. We also do the assignment editing or change the case study paper according to the feedback. You can contact us or call us any time for business assignment help.