HR performance issues and Motivational Problem AssignmentHelp

HR performance issues & Motivational Problem Assignment Help   Many HR performance issues result from underlying motivational problems external to the work environment (health, career and finance). Write a 4 page APA formatted paper, using a minimum of three references,describing a motivational problem which hinders goal attainment.

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  • Briefly describe the problem (what, why, who?)
  • Use the theory of motivation to explain the problem.
  • Use the theory of motivation to describe an intervention/action to change the motivation/behavior.

  HR performance issues & Motivational Problem Assignment Help Paper Motivational Problem Human resource is the most critical asset of the organization that plays a significant role in organizational growth. The organization must be able to motivate its employees and to retain capable employees. Both of these are essential to implement innovation and quality improvement in the organization. Motivation is a factor that capitalizes the ability of employees to innovate and generate new ideas for the organization (Saks & Haccoun, 2011). Additionally, it also changes the behavior of human being and employees towards their work. All the motivated employees effectively contribute in the improvement of the organizational performance. The organizations motivate their employees to engage their behaviors that also help employees to attain personal as well as organizational goals. On the other hand, these are some motivational problems that may create difficulties in attaining organizational goals and objectives. Motivation of staff is able to satisfy the needs of customers that are necessary for organizational survival. An employee may face motivational problems such as loss of social status and group, lack of trust in team management and fear of failure that may affect on their health, career and financial life. In addition, if an employee is suffering with motivational problem, he cannot give his optimum efforts to obtain the goals (Perrewé & Ganster, 2010). These motivational problems change behavior of the employees to work in the effective way and they cannot perform well as they can. Motivation is the strength of employees that encourages them to work towards the organizational goals. Along with this, the motivational problems may hinder goal attainment of employees.


It is because, it may create difficulties in increasing quality and quality of the performance given by the employees. Team spirit is also contributed in goal attainment, but it may also hinder due to lack of motivation among the team members (Clark, 2003). The team motivation can be attained by its two key features that are expertise and collaboration. Team members have variety in their key skills and knowledge that may hinder by motivational problems. Thus, the motivational problems can hinder goal attainment of the organization. Explanation of External Motivational Problem There are various types of motivational problems that affect the personal as well as organizational life of the employees. The most critical external motivational problems are absenteeism and employee turnover. The health, career and financial life of employees can be hindered by suffering with these types of problems. Absenteeism reduces the knowledge and experience of the employees, because they cannot spend their more time in organizational work. Along with this, if the employees are not satisfied with their job that also de-motivates them, because they cannot return towards their hard work (Naar-King & Suarez, 2010). This motivational problem would also have a great impact on the financial conditions due to reduction in the employee turnover. Thus, it can be said that absenteeism is a motivational problem that affects career, financial status and health of the employees. At the same time, lack of social group and lower social status also play a significant role in external motivation of the employees. So, the employees can give their most favorable efforts in attainment of goals at the workplace. If the employees would have social life, they would be able to perform effectively. Self-esteem is also an external motivation factor that has a great impact on the performance of the employee at workplace (Perrewé & Ganster, 2010). Along with this, fear is an external motivation problem that may result of losing money, job, respect, relationship, status, etc.


All these types of fears such as losing money and job would affect the goal attainment of people within the organization. So, the employees must be attentive towards these external motivation problems. Theory of Motivation There are several theories of motivation that describe the impact of motivation on the overall level of job satisfaction of employee. For example, Herzberg two factor theory, Maslow needs hierarchy theory, motivation theory of Taylor and Mayo. The motivational problem can be explained with the help of need hierarchy theory of Maslow. This theory is also known as needs hierarchy theory, because an individual changes his needs due to change in their job satisfaction (Berman, West, Bowman & Wart, 2009). This theory considers five motivational needs of an individualthat are physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-esteem needs. An individual moves towards another needs, if one need has been satisfied. At the same time, this theory explains the motivational problems that an individual faces due to non-fulfillment of their needs. If the physiological needs of an individual would not fulfill, it would affect on the finance, career and good health. This is the first need of the worker that must be completed to move towards safety needs.


Worker would be de-motivated and their working life would be affected, if their physiological needs would not fulfill (Sansone & Harackiewicz, 2000). Safety needs require protection and security of an individual that is second level of human needs. These needs create problems to an individual in their motivation. Along with this HR assignment help, if the individuals do not fulfill social needs, they cannot work effectively outside the organization. If all these needs of the human beings do not fulfilled, they cannot increase their performance. These needs should be completed to attain the organizational goals (Berman, West, Bowman & Wart, 2009). This theory explains that how these needs motivate the employees to work and increase their performance. The incentives and rewards motivate workers to give their best performance, so these must be fulfilled to turn and progress up in the hierarchy. Interventions and Actions to Change the Motivational Behavior There are several actions and interventions that can be helpful in changing motivation behavior of the employees. First, motivational interviewing is the approach that can enhance the faithfulness of the employees. Motivational problems can be solved by using motivation interviewing.


It is because it determines facts of the employees to implement changes in their lives. This approach is quite significant to counsel several levels of readiness to change their behavior (Shinitzky & Kub, 2001). This intervention is based on four major principles to change the behavior of the employees that are express empathy, develop discrepancy, roll with resistance and support self-efficacy. Apart from this, Maslow needs hierarchy theory and motivational theory of Elton Mayo also confirms this intervention. Motivational theory of Elton Mayo affirms that human beings can be motivated by meeting social needs whilst at work. In addition, this theory believes to change motivational behavior of the employees by treating and interacting with them in the efficient way (Berman, West, Bowman & Wart, 2009). The motivational behavioral change can be implemented by better communication among employees and workers, greater involvement of managers with employees working lives and working in the team. At the same time, all these actions can be more effective to the organizational development and employee motivation. It is because; better communication would be effective for the organization to obtain the feedbacks from the employees. In addition, increasing involvement of manager would also change the motivational behavior of the employees, because it impact on the level of attention (Brug, Oenema & Ferreira, 2005).


Team work is also a significance intervention to maintain regularity in work. All these actions would be effective to re-organize production and to motivate the employees by fulfilling his all kinds of needs at different levels.     References Berman, E.M., West, J.P., Bowman, J.S. & Wart, M.R. (2009). Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems. (3rd ed.). USA: SAGE. Brug, J., Oenema, A. & Ferreira, I. (2005). Theory, evidence and Intervention Mapping to improve behavior nutrition and physical activity interventions. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2(2), 1-7. Clark, R. E. (2003). Fostering the Work Motivation of Individuals and Teams. Performance Improvement, 42(3), 21-29. Laan, V.D. (2009). The Role of Theory in Explaining Motivation for Corporate Social Disclosures. The Australasian Accounting Business & Finance Journal, 3(4), 13-29. Naar-King, S. & Suarez, M. (2010). Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults. USA: Guilford Press. Perrewé, P.L. & Ganster, D.C. (2010). New Developments in Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to Job Stress. UK: Emerald Group Publishing. Saks, A.M. & Haccoun, R.R. (2011). Managing Performance through Training and Development. (5th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Sansone, C. & Harackiewicz, J.M. (2000). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: The Search for Optimal Motivation and Performance. Academic Press. Shinitzky, H.E. & Kub, J. (2001). The Art of Motivating Behavior Change: The Use of Motivational Interviewing to Promote Health. Public Health Nursing, 18(3), 178-185.