Hypothesis Testing Assignment Help

Hypothesis Testing Assignment Help

Hypothesis testing is a statistical process that is helpful to draw inferences about the population of interested in the given sample.

 In the other word, it is a statistical method that helps to evaluate hypothesis about a population by using a sample data set. The main objective of this test is to either accept or reject the null hypothesis (Black, 2009). In this case, hypothesis testing is also useful to determine whether a claim about body fat parameter is accurate or not. Here, boss of Silver’s Gym claims that the average body fat in men attending gym is 20%, while statistical analyst makes different claim. In this situation, the set-up of null and alternative hypothesis can be useful to determine best possible outcome. The procedure of hypothesis testing is as follows: Hypotheses: Null hypotheses (H0): µ = 20 Alternative hypotheses (Ha): µ ? 20 Alpha level (?) = 0.05 Level of Significance: Alpha level (?) = 0.05 Suitable Test: For this problem, z-test will be used to conduct hypothesis testing regarding average body fat of men. The main reason behind the selection of z-test is sample size of body fat data. It is known that if sample size is greater than 30 (n > 30) then z-test is preferable to use (Jackson, 2009). In this case, sample size is 252 that greater than 30, so z-test is better to conduct hypothesis testing. Under this method, the critical value of z for a two-tailed test is +1.96 or -1.96 (At alpha level = 0.05). Testing: The following formula can be useful to determine Z-score. (Osborn, 2006). Where, Xbar = 18.9 (Mean of body fat data) µ = 20 ? = 7.8 (Standard deviation of body fat data) n = 252 Then, the score of z will be –   = (-1.1) ÷ (7.8/15.87) = (-1.1) ÷ (0.4915) Z = -2.24             The outcome shows that the calculated value of Z is lower from the critical value of z at alpha level 0.05 (-2.24 > -1.96). Decision Making: On the basis of outcome, we reject the null hypotheses (Since -2.24 < -1.96). It means the average body fat in men who attending gym cannot be equal to 20%. Get 100% original and complete  Hypothesis Testing Assignment Help and statistical analysis assignment help with assignmenthelpexperts.com. From our experts you will get complete and original assignment help on time. If you are first time using our assignment help services then you can first check our quality of work then you can transfer the money in our account.