Integrated Business Communication Assignment Help

Integrated Business Communication Assignment Help

Introduction Communication plays an important role in increasing the performance of organization. Communication is involved in almost every type of conflict in the organization. In this Integrated Business Communication case study help paper, different communication issues, level of complexity, importance of technology, strategies to resolve information gap and philosophy for integrated communication gap has been discussed.

Communication Issues After the globalization, people have to face certain communication issues at workplace. Communication problems at workplace affect the productivity and performance of the employees. There are different types of communications issues such as language problem, personal issues, lack of feedback etc. that people have to face within the organizations. Language problem creates the communication barrier within the companies. Language problem occurs between the people from different ethical background, different ages and different level of industry experience (Brounstein, Bell, Smith, Isbell & Orr, 2010). If the employees involve the personal issues in the communication system of organization then communication problem occurs. Moreover, one way communication is also not effective in communicating the information throughout the organization. Managers and employees should provide feedback in order to improve the quality of information.


Complexity in Communication In future, communication will become less complex for the business organizations. It is identified that due to the changes in technological and organizational structure, people would be able to communicate easily from one country to another. Earlier, it was very difficult to do the international business due to communication barrier. Nowadays, with the help of internet and mobiles, people can contact anywhere in the world at any time. Thus, in future, advancement in technology will make the communication system more simple and easy (Means, 2009). Earlier, people can contact only through emails from one country to another, but emergence of video conferencing has made the communication simple. Now people can chat face to face from one country to another in order to remove the communication barrier. Technology has been changing rapidly according to the changing needs and demand of customers. Therefore, communication will become less complex in coming future.


Role of Technology in Communication Technology plays a crucial role in communication in order to make it more advanced. With the help of technology, employee can be able to make effective communication of thoughts and ideas. Through mobiles, people can exchange their ideas and thoughts with other people through messages. Earlier, people have to write the letter and then send it through post office. This method was quite time consuming to transfer the messages. Advancement in technologies has also improved the level of communication in the organization (Lehman & Dufrene, 2010). Computers, internet etc. has made the communication channel effective. Effective communication is helpful in clarifying the information about how the job needs will be performed.


Strategies to Resolve Information Gap Difference between the generations, cultures, income level and education has created the gap between the information and understanding level of the people. In order to overcome such type of gap, organizations have to adopt certain strategies. Training and learning method is useful in maintaining the balance between the generations, cultures and education among the people (Guffey & Loewy, 2010). With the help of training, diversified employees within the organization will be able to understand every type of information in the same manner. Organizations should also transfer the information according to the level of understanding. Information gap occurs due to the difference between the needs and rights of generations (Stuart, Sarow & Stuart, 2007). Therefore, organizations have to understand the needs and demands of different people and strategies and policies should be framed accordingly. Today’s generation and educated people can easily understand the new technologies. Moreover, companies can also be able explore various opportunities with the diversified employees.


Personal Philosophy In future, integrated business communication will be helpful in providing the advance communication capabilities to the people in organization. With the help of this, companies will be able to effectively manage the activities within the organization. Integrated business communication applies communication concepts from various fields such as marketing, public relation, management and organization communication. Through this, companies will able to adopt effective communication channel in every business area (IBM Global Service, 2012). Integrated business communication will be helpful for the companies in planning, executing and evaluating unified messages in order to build the brand relationship. Companies will be able to connect, communicate and collaborate through any device, any media and any method of communication. Therefore, in future, integrated business communication plays an important role in managing the various activities in the organizations.


Conclusion From the above discussion by our business assignment help experts, it is identified that language barrier, personal issues and lack of feedback are major communication problems. In future, communication will be less complex due to advancement of technologies. Training and development program will be helpful in overcoming with problem of information gap between diversified people.   References Brounstein, M., Bell, A.H., Smith, D.M., Isbell, C. & Orr, A. (2010). Business Communication. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Guffey, M.E. & Loewy, D. (2010). Business Communication: Process & Product. USA: Cengage Learning. IBM Global Service (2012). Retrieved from Lehman, C.M. & Dufrene, D.D. (2010). Business Communication. USA: Cengage Learning. Means, T.L. (2009). Business Communication. USA: Cengage Learning. Stuart, B.E., Sarow, M.S. & Stuart, L. (2007). Integrated Business Communication: In a Global Marketplace. USA: John Wiley & Sons.