Management Information systems (MIS) Assignment Help

MIS Assignment Help An information system and structure is quite important part to make a successful organization in the current competitive environment. Management Information systems (MIS) are effective for the organization to manage the information within the organization. MIS is significant along with all the relevant and important information to make effective strategies for the organization.


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It is very essential that organizational strategies should be effective for the growth and development of the organization. Tall management structure considers several levels of management and control that uses a long chain of command within the organization. This assignment help paper discuss how the MIS is helpful to reduce the tall management structure within an organization.


MIS Systems and Tall Management Structures: In the current environment, the requirement of tall management has decreased due to use of MIS in the organization. MIS helps to make an easy flow of the information from down to top level and vice versa within the organization. All the information related to essential resources of an organization such as technology and people are using for all level of the organization. This information is quite important to make suitable and accurate decision making. MIS is a very useful tool for the organizations that reduce the necessity of tall management structure in the organization. It is because changing nature of internal and external environment affected the need of tall management structure.


On the other hand, MIS reduces the role of first-line managers due to a reduction in their activities and involvement in the strategy-making process. MIS reduces the structure of the organization by providing appropriate data. It is also helpful to track and monitor the organizational people and reduce the working of these people that directly decrease the structure of a firm. Tall management structure contains a large number of people within the structure of the organization but MIS is effective to reduce the scope of tall management structure by using some electronic instruments. These electronic instruments help the employees to collect the information related to the organization.


Thus, an organization does not contain a large structure by using MIS. Functional managers work in a different way in the organization in comparison of MIS because functional managers use some manual methods to obtain relevant information. These managers are not effective as compare to machines that are used by the organization to obtain information. These machines and electronic instruments are less expensive rather than human resources of the organization. Thus, these people increase the lengths of organizational structure and consequently financial pressure on the organization. So, the use of tall management structure is not effective in comparison to MIS that reduces the need of Tall management structure in the organization. The use of MIS is helpful to eliminate several negative aspects that occur due to the tall management structure. As there are various middle managers in the hierarchy of tall management structure. In tall management structure, the organization has to give administrative salaries, remuneration, offices and secretaries to these managers. These facilities increase the expenses to the organization. So, organizations want to downsize the organizational structure to control over the organizational expenses. In addition, organizations also face the problem if it has a large-sized structure and long chain of command to make a successful organization.


It is because strategic managers lose their control over the strategic decision making and organizational hierarchy due to a large chain of command. In addition, our business assignment help experts said that the use of tall management structure is reduced because it creates disaster and tragedy for the organization. It is because MIS creates motivation and coordination among all the employees and functions of the organization. The results of coordination and motivation reduce the operating cost of the company. At the same point, it is also identified that tall management structure is also not preferred by the company because it fosters more communication problems due to large numbers of managers. The information passes through a number of managers that affects the decision making process. But, MIS is the best communication way that provides effective and appropriate information to all the people at all the levels. Thus, MIS have decreased the importance of tall management structure. MIS decreased common structural problems from the organization such as strategic issues, limit of creativity and innovation in lower level manager. These problems are found in the organizations that consider tall management structure. These problems are created due to too many hierarchy levels and fewer span of command.


The organizations are using adaptive and responsible information system that reduces the problems of input and output of information. In the turbulent and violate environment, changing nature of environment creates problem to develop a structure and mechanistic control system. The mechanistic control system is quite effective to apply in the organization because it is the easiest way to control the organization. MIS is a mechanistic and structured control system that effectively controls the organizational activities. It is because tall management structure is a structured control system but not a mechanistic system as MIS. So, the value of tall management system is reduced by the use of information management system. At the same time, MIS significantly plays an effective role in the production department because it requires appropriate information system. Close supervision can be obtained from the MIS through less paperwork.


Thus, MIS is helpful in making close supervision due to the mechanistic control system. So, tall management is not effective for the production department. The organizations want to improve their productivity by providing effective control system. In addition, the use of tall management structure is reduced in the organization because it limits the autonomy of the employees and subordinates in comparison to MIS. So, MIS is more useful for the organizational employees that create a bureaucratic environment in the organization. Tall managing structure also slows down the speed and accuracy of decision making due to approval of unneeded layers of authority. All these points support that MIS is reduced the use of tall management structure in the organization.


Conclusion All the above discussion by our assignment helper can be concluded as that MIS has a great impact on the tall management structure. MIS is an effective control system that enhances performance of the employees and subordinates of the managers. It is also concluded that more layers in the structure creates more problems for the organization and also increases the communication barriers. This paper concludes about the importance of MIS over the tall management structure. Tall management structure is not considered by the organization if they can apply MIS systems because it enhances the motivation and innovation abilities of employees. Get Management Information systems (MIS) Assignment Help and business assignment help from Get 100% original and quality assignment help of all subjects from experienced experts. Our online business assignment help experts are available 24×7 for solving assignment for US, UK and Australian students. You can also avail management information systems case study assignment help  You can e-mail us your any assignment queries at