Marketing Plan Assignment Help for Household Product

Marketing Plan Assignment Help for Household Product

Introduction This marketing plan case study assignment help discusses the marketing efforts of glass cleaner household product. It

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describes the various types of advertising or media communication used to advertise glass cleaner product. Company did not use effective advertising to promote the glass cleaner, so it failed to influencer customers’ buying decisions. It recommends the effective marketing medium for glass cleaner to attract the customers.


Various Types of Media Communication Organizations use different mediums to publicize its products and services. Glass cleaner companies used different types of media communications such as news paper, television, radio, internet, direct mail to advertise the glass cleaner (O’Guinn, Allen & Semenik, 2011). Most of the companies use print advertising to target a specific audience based on geographic area or common interest for glass cleaner. The newspapers and magazines are used to explain the multiple uses of products for household by placing ads with image. According to marketing business assignment help experts, More than 70 percent of local advertising is placed on the radio for glass cleaner to target the local audiences. It used local languages while broadcast advertise on radio to target the local audiences (Green, 2011). This product is also advertised through television. Television combines sound or moving images, so it explains effectively about the use of this household product. Most of the household products are being advertised on television for entertainment in a regular basis, so it is an effective way to advertise the household products (Kloss & Abé, 2001). Details of products are repeated many times during the program that attract the customers effectively and influence its buying decision. Due to coverage of mass market and large customer segment, these advertising forms were used for glass cleaner.


Success of Advertising Forms US household cleaning products market stood at $4.1 billion in 2000 that reduced to $3.97 billion in 2004, which shows less efficiency of the advertising forms selected to market the product. The market growth rate for cleaner was decreasing continuously that affected the success of glass cleaner product (Packagedfacts.Com, 2005). Different types of media communication are used for glass cleaner, but it failed to successfully influence customers’ buying decision. Through the use of newspaper or radio, it targeted only local market customers but failed to cover the overall market. In US, television broadcast primetime viewing fallen from a HH rating of 2.6 to 1.1 about 58% in the last two decade (Gorman, 2010). Decline of television viewers in US also affected the success of advertising on TV for glass cleaner products.


Recommendation There are various reasons available those made the advertisement of glass cleaner in US market ineffective. In this, ineffective promotion strategies are countered as one of the most important reasons of being failure of this product. So our Assignment help experts says that, to market the product effectively, recommendations are as follow: Develop Appropriate Advertisement Strategy: To market the glass cleaner in the marketplace, the firm should develop appropriate advertisement strategy. Firstly, the firm should develop understanding towards the target customers and then plan and formulate advertisement that can attract the target customers (Wankel, 2011). In this, the firm should also analyze the target customers’ perceptive towards glass cleaner to present the products according to their needs and wants. For example, to target the people in affluent suburbs, the firm should design the advertisement that will show the use of glass cleaner to make clean and attractive to the office (Sexton, 2010). Use Appropriate Media: Organizations should use technical supportive tools and media to market the product such as internet, web-sites, social media, etc. It is because these media are mostly used by the customers to gain knowledge about the products’ features, quality, price, etc in current environment. These media tools also help to increase or decrease image of the products among the customers (Drewniany & Jewler, 2010). So, the firm should provide relevant and attractive information to the customers at social websites. It will help the firm to attract customers and increase customer base (Wankel, 2011). Expand area of Advertisement: It is found that the firm advertises its glass cleaner products in only local market that is not enough to be successful. The firm should think globally and pick advanced advertisement strategies in which capabilities of glass cleaner should be discussed. It will be beneficial for the firm as it will attract the customer (Sexton, 2010). These actions will help the firm to market its products and make its advertisement strategy more effective.


Medium of Communication One of the reasons of being failure of the glass cleaner product is that the firm did not use internet, social media and websites for promoting and communicating with the customers about its products. So, internet, social media and websites would be used as primary medium to market the product (Bodnar & Cohen, 2011). Main reason behind selecting this medium is related with the concern of the people or customers towards use of this medium. At present, for collecting information about a product, people do not have much time to see advertisement on TV, read in newspaper or any other media (Drewniany & Jewler, 2010). Most of customers prefer to the use internet to collect competitive information about any product. It is assessed that about 58% marketers force to the firms to use internet and social media for communicating with the customers (Bodnar & Cohen, 2011). It is also found that US marketers projected to spend about $3.08 billion to advertise through social media or networking that is about 10% of the total budget, which will be spent over online advertisement. It has increased by 55% with respect to 2010 (Marketing Weblog, 2012). Trends in US market for using online advertisement media are reflected in appendix 1. So, it would be beneficial for the firm to provide relevant information to the customers that may attract them to purchase products effectively and efficiently. Another reason to select this medium is that use of social media like facebook, twitter, etc. is being popular among the customer and advertisement on these social media will help the firm to attract the customers. So, internet, social media and websites would be beneficial for the firm as it will create positive image among the customers and can raise the demand of glass cleaner (Sexton, 2010).


Conclusion On the basis of above discussion by business assignment help experts, it can be concluded that advertisement plays a crucial role to market the products in the competitive marketplace at good position as it is one of important tool of communication with the customers. It can also be concluded that shrink advertisement portfolio for glass cleaner product is the major reason of failure. So, it is essential for the firm to pick current advertisement tools such as internet, social media, web-sites, etc. to market the products effectively.     References Bodnar, K & Cohen, J. L. (2011). The B2B Social Media Book: Become a Marketing Superstar by Generating Leads with Blogging, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Email, and More. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Drewniany, B. L & Jewler, A. J. (2010) Creative Strategy in Advertising. USA: Cengage Learning. Gorman, B. (2010). Where did the Primetime Broadcast TV Audience Go? Retrived April 25, 2012 from Green, J. (2011). Advertising. NY: The Rosen Publishing Group. Kloss, I. & Abé, M. (2001). Advertising Worldwide: Advertising Conditions in Selected Countries. Germany: Springer. Marketing Weblog. (2012). Retrieved April 26, 2012 from O’Guinn, T.C., Allen, C.T. & Semenik, R.J. (2011). Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion (6th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Packagedfacts.Com. (2005). The U.S. Market for Household Cleaning Products. Retrieved April 25, 2012 from Sexton, D. (2010). Trump University Marketing 101: How to Use the Most Powerful Ideas. USA: John Wiley and Sons. Wankel, C. (2011). Higher Education Administration with Social Media: Including Applications in Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Alumni Relations, and Career Centers. UK: Emerald Group Publishing. Get 24X7 assignment help services of all subjects. From our experts you will get complete and original assignment help with minimum prices. You can call us or e-mail us your assignment to us for free quote.