Mini-Case Study Assignment Help on Workplace conflict

Mini-Case: Reaching An Agreement on Flextime

The primary causes of workplace conflict are seen as personality clashes and warring egos (49%), followed by stress (34%) and heavy workloads (33%). Culture also plays a part in the perception of causes. —CPP, Workplace Conflict Although each organization is unique in its structure and culture, there are still commonalities when it comes to conflict. As you have discovered in the Learning Resources, regardless of the type or location of an organization, personality differences and job-related stress can result in conflict.

As you review the Learning Resources for this week and prepare to write your Discussion posting, contemplate the following: Consider the above quote. Do you feel it adequately describes your workplace and causes of conflict? Reflect on the most common types of conflict and why they occur Causes of Conflict Workplace conflict occurs in every organization due to difference in cultures, attitudes and personality clashes. Organizations have to adopt various strategies in order to reduce the workplace conflict and develop the healthy working environment. Personality clashes, warring egos, stress and heavy workloads are the main cause of conflict in every type of organization (Furlong, 2005). It has been analyzed that every organization has its unique structure and culture, due to such type of reason conflict occurs among the members in the organization. Apart from this, there are several other reasons due to which conflict occur among the members. Some of the reasons are conflicting goals, conflicting perceptions, limited resources, difference in personal values etc. All these reasons are commonly found in every type of organization (Gramberg, 2006). Moreover, poor communication among the members is also the cause of conflict. Organizations have to adopt efficient communication network in order to maintain the cooperative and healthy working environment. Thus, it has been identified that above mentioned reasons adequately describes workplace and causes of conflict.

Types of Conflicts There are different types of conflict such as interdependence conflict, difference in style, personality differences and differences in gender and background that majorly found in almost every type of organization structure. Interdependence conflict occurs when the job of one person depends on the job of other person. For example delay in the working speed of one person will indirectly affect the performance of other person, which creates conflict among them. Differences in the working style also led to conflict among the members. One person is task oriented and other performs the activity in artistic manner. Thus, difference in working style creates conflict among members. Apart from this, difference in personality creates conflict in the social environment of the organizations. Different educational background is also one of the most important reasons for conflict (Collins, 2008). Difference in the level of education creates conflict among the employees within the company. Thus, effective strategies will be helpful in overcoming with problem of conflict within the organization. Organization has to maintain the proper communication network in order to build the supportive working environment.

References Collins, S.D. (2008). Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationships. USA: Cengage Learning. Furlong, G. T. (2005). The conflict resolution toolbox: Models and maps for analyzing, diagnosing, and resolving conflict. Mississauga, Ontario: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Gramberg, B.V. (2006). Managing Workplace Conflict: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australia. USA: Federation Press.

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