Organization Planning Process Assignment Help

Organization Planning Process Assignment Help

As per business assignment help experts, several factors are available in the internal and external environment of an organization. Three important factors that affect the planning process are current economic conditions, budget and ethical and cultural values. All these factors have impact on the whole planning process as situational analysis, development of goals, identification of alternatives and implementation and monitoring.

Current economic conditions affect the situation analysis in the process of planning. Through situation analysis, actually conditions of market have been identified by the management and marketers, so that companies and management can continue the current plan and make further plans. Good and adverse situation of current economic affects the planning process and influence the management to take further action and modify the process as per the situation, so that the plan can become successful and company can achieve its goals. This economic condition also affects the goals and priorities of the business firms. Economic condition enables the firm to provide information for the business development and forecast profitability and earnings.

Thus, it directly affects the process of planning. According to case study assignment help experts, Another factor that affects planning process is budget. Without having adequate budget, it is not possible for the companies to implement and monitor the planning process effectively (Govindarajan & Natarajan, 2005). Budget has a tremendous impact on the performance of plan implementation and achieves the goal through effective planning (Grünig & Gaggl, 2011). During all steps of planning, there is a need of money such as to conduct situational analysis and evaluate market conditions, to implement alternatives and suitable solution in reality, to hire employees to implement plan, etc.

(Govindarajan & Natarajan, 2005). If the management has not sufficient resources and budget, it is very difficult to implement plan, changes strategies, hire new employees, improvement in productivity, etc. Without having budget, it is not possible to implement idea in realistic and practical manner. The ultimate goal of the planning process is to improve profitability and offering monetary benefits to the stakeholders, thus, budget of the planning process affects the effectiveness. Third factor that affect the planning process of a firm is ethical and cultural values of stakeholders. Ethical and cultural values and differences affect the goals of planning process and priorities of stakeholders. Therefore, it is imperative for the business firm to make plans according to the ethical and cultural environment and by considering differences in the geographical and demographical environment (Grünig & Gaggl, 2011).

Ethical and cultural values and differences influences organizational planning, the situational analysis and budget of the planning process because without considering ethical and cultural differences in planning process and decision making, it would not be possible to achieve the objectives and satisfied a large target market and all stakeholders.