Organizational Restructuring Assignment Help

Organizational Restructuring Assignment Help Influence of Organizational Structure on Project Roles and Decisions In projectized organization structure, project decisions are taken by project manager in spite of functional manger. Project managers have more authority and independence to take decisions in a project. They report directly to the CEO and are responsible for acquiring and assigning resources. In oversees area, they have the authority to select and assign resources from other departments in the organization or to hire them from outside. In home country, project team members report to the project manager, not a functional or departmental manager. In contrast to this, in overseas, team members can report to the other departmental manger. In home country, after completing the project, the project team is dissolved and the project members return to their functional areas to resume their usual duties. In home country, project manager can take decision to motivate the workers by using reward system for completing the work on time and make good relationship. Apart from this, in overseas area, mangers have to handle cultural problems and diversity issues, which can cause unnecessary losses to their companies. Therefore, they can implement cross-cultural management to identify cultural differences and adopt effective measures to achieve project performance. In this structure, manger will have to adopt more flexibility to determine schedule, cost and performance in overseas. So, there will be need for project manager to be more tactical and flexible in overseas rather than home country.


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Best Organizational Structure for Multi Nation Firms Multinational firms require an organizational structure that can manage the usual business functions such as finance, marketing, R&D, production, etc. The matrix organizational structure is best designed to succeed in multinational corporations because it is a combination of the functional and divisional structures. It includes the advantages of both separate structures and also helpful to manage change and risk at international market. A matrix organization helps to use team to accomplish work frequently. With this, it overcomes the weaknesses of functional and divisional forms. It facilitates more cross-functional communication that is helpful for generating creative thinking and innovation. As per organizational structure assignment help experts, In multinational corporations, there is need of better coordination and communication among different departments. Within the matrix at headquarters, there is a responsible person, who interacts regularly with the local division.


Through this structure, MNCs can appoint the employees on the basis of different departments like functional organizational structure that enhances the experience sharing and saves money due to economies of scale. In addition, these companies can employ their employees on the basis of the product/customer segment/geographical location same as divisional structure. It provides flexibility and makes quick responses to environmental changes. Matrix structure gives option to the company to adopt positive points of both structures. This structure facilitates exchange knowledge between employees working in different divisions. It also helps the multinational companies to build team from different functions to solve problems in order to develop products in different countries. This structure is helpful to manage the diversity within the organization effectively that is very important for any multinational firm to sustain and compete in global market. Get Organizational Restructuring Assignment Help with Assignment help experts provides the best and original business management assignment help of all topics. Our assignment writing help experts have fifteen years experience of providing assignment help and dissertation help to the students of US,UK and Australia.  You can first check quality of your assignment then you can confirm your assignment with us. So hurry up and select the right services for assignment help at