Customer Satisfaction Policy Assignment Help

Customer Satisfaction Policy Assignment Help In today’s environment, customer satisfaction is essential for the every company in order to maintain the customer base in the market. In this, customer satisfaction policy plays an important role to communicate with the customers and deliver the trust and values of the company. For this assignment help, Wal-Mart is selected that is a multinational retail company providing different types of products through the stores in various geographical locations.


Customer Satisfaction Policy The company can give priority to the customer through its customer satisfaction policy. Through this, it might explain customers that they are the top priority of the organization and we are committed to provide best deal and shopping experience to the customers. The company stock fresh, high quality and branded products at the stores and provides these products at lower prices that satisfy the customers’ needs and wants. Under customer satisfaction policy, the company might also commit to provide quality services for the customers at every store in different locations. Nevertheless, if the customers might not fully satisfy with the product, they can return product through the mail or by call. To provide better satisfaction, exchange might also be allowed in the company. The consumer satisfaction policy might also include the comments and questions from the side of customers. Through this, company can also increase the employee productivity and satisfaction in the job. In the customer satisfaction policy, company might also include the schedule for every process that can be supported customers to receive better services and quality products in the time. This can commit company to identify the training needs of the employees and provide best possible development programs for the employees that can increase the customer satisfaction at the store. In order to improve and convey trust, company might also include the free home delivery of products to the customers in its customer satisfaction policy. For the several years, customers have looked Wal-Mart for the best practices, high quality products with low price. Company might never allow to customers to be unhappy. As the Sam’s told that the customers’ satisfaction is guaranteed, company might improve its services and employees’ skills and knowledge that can provide a high level of satisfaction to the customers and enhance their experience of shopping at stores. You can also avail case study assignment help on firm customer satisfaction policy Customer Satisfaction Survey For the customer satisfaction survey, the questions are as follow:


  1. What do you think about the location of store? Is it convenient for you or not?


  1. In thinking about your most recent experience with the company, was the quality of customer service you received as per company’ saying and your expectations?


  1. If you think that the customer service was unsatisfactory, would you please describe what happened? And what would be the better way?


  1. In your opinion, the store atmosphere and décor are appealing and attractive?


  1. At what extent, do you believe that the customer service representatives are good in the service at store? In what way they greeted you?


  1. What other services would you like to add in customer satisfaction policy of the company?


  1. At the store do you encountered any difficulty to find products in different sections that decreases your satisfaction level and changed the perception towards the company?


  1. Are you satisfied from the services that company provided to you at the retail store?



Rationale to Select Questions In the customer satisfaction survey, these questions are selected in order to develop the understanding about the current satisfaction level of customers. Through these questions, company is also able to understand the effectiveness of current services and the needs of customers in order to improve the services to provide better customer satisfaction. With the help of these questions, management of company can also identify the training needs for employees and also helpful in determining the areas that should need to improve in order to provide better customer satisfaction to the customers. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction policy helps in providing directions and guidelines to decide services that provide satisfaction to the customers. Through the customer satisfaction policy, company might convey the trust to the customers. The policy might also be helpful for the company to identify the training needs of the employees. On the other hand, the customer satisfaction survey is also helpful for the company analyze its current services and satisfaction level of customers.


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