Post Purchase Behavior Assignment Help

In this consumer behavior assignment help, our assignment writing experts analyzed the post-purchase process of your target consumer for organization Harley-Davidson.

Post Purchase Behavior: Post-purchase behavior of consumers refers to the actions taken by the consumers after buying the products. In simple words, it is true that the task of marketers does not conclude after the product is bought. Moreover, it depends on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of customers whether they engage after post-purchase or not. If the expectations of consumers are fulfilled by the perceived performance of the products, it results into customer satisfaction. On the other hand, if the expectations are not fulfilled due to lack of perceived performance of the products, it results into dissatisfaction. Let’s take the example of Harley Davidson bikes that are famous for their heavyweight and tough motorcycles. By owning the bikes of this motor company, customers make lifestyle statement and attitude that differentiate them from other fellows. After post-purchase, target customers of this organization feel delighted due to fulfillment of their expectations that result into repeat purchase.

So, it can be stated by business assignment help that if consumers are satisfied, they respond to the marketer differently and spread a positive word of mouth. At the same time, if the consumers are dissatisfied, they spread a negative word of mouth. Most of the purchase result into cognitive dissonance or discomfort due to conflict occurs after post-purchase. Harley Davidson conducts focus group interview to analyze the post-purchase behavior of consumers (Harley Davidson). Under these focus groups interviews or customer surveys, the company invites bikers to express their feelings about having a Harley Davidson bike. Under this focus group interview, sociological, demographical and psychological questions are used by the company to collect significant data. It is revealed from the survey that there are seven forms of buyers that are stylish status seekers, adventure loving traditionalists, classy capitalists, sensitive pragmatists, cool-head loners, cocky misfits and laid-back campers.

These results reflect that consumers of Harley Davidson are doing more than buying the brand. It states that due to customer satisfaction, they are spreading a positive word mouth. Furthermore, after purchasing Harley Davidson bikes, customer shows different behavior. Like, some customers state that having the bikes of Harley Davidson is a form of individuality. Other customers state that riding the bikes of this company is like being a part of homegrown legacy. So, it can be stated that different consumers have different perspective and show different behavior after purchasing the bikes of Harley Davidson. The results of these surveys reflect that consumers of Harley Davidson appreciate the brand due to their attraction offered by the company to the consumers. As per the consumer survey, it is revealed that power, freedom and independence are the key appeals that result in customer satisfaction (Harley Davidson).

All these three attributes Harley Davidson always tries to know about their customers, why they prefer to have Harley bikes in comparison to other bikes like Yamaha, Suzuki or Honda. So, it states that the company is concerned about the feelings, behaviors and actions of their consumers. Hence, it can be said that due to appeal, customer relations, brand attributes and actions taken by Harley Davidson, customers of this company show intense loyalty towards its bikes. In other words, assignment help experts said that due to top priority is given by the organization to its customers, the loyalty of customers is intense and fierce. Even after selling the bikes, Harley Davidson invites the bikers to join the celebration of Harley Davidson bikes week held each year in March month at Florida (Harley Davidson). In such kinds of celebration, thousands of Harley Davidson bikers ride in the streets, which states that post-purchase actions of customers are satisfied.

It shows that customers want to engage in the relationship with Harley Davidson not only due to their bikes but the intense emotions that create after engaging with this organization. A considerable time spends by the management of this organization to understand the post-purchase behavior of consumers. It helps in gaining the trust and confidence of consumer and spreading positive word of mouth in the market. Efforts invested by Harley Davidson result in the development of lifetime value for customers. Due to the better relations and responsibilities of the organization to manage deal with the post-purchase behavior of its target customers (rubies and rebels), loyalty is maintained. Target customers of Harley Davidson tell others that Harley Davidson keeps its promises. This behavior results in purchasing of brand by the social groups of customers.

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