Project Management Information System Assignment Help

Project Management Information System Assignment Help Information System Problems Information system considers some factors that increase the rate of failure of these projects. Generally, an information system takes a long time to construct a system. Time is an important thing to be considered in a project management system that is not, as it is intended. In addition, this system also does not work often, as it is expected to work (Irani, 2002). It is not essential that the system is always right; because building a system is quite difficult and labor concentrated that create problems to make an effective information system project. Inability of a system is the problem of failure of the system that does not meet requirements, expectation and values of its stakeholders. Additionally as per assignment help experts, information system may also have a problem of improper communication among the employees and project managers. Communication creates some problems related to user attitude, user satisfaction and amount of data transferred to build an information system. Information systems fail due to mismanagement, poor management and inappropriate building process. Proper management is essential for the success of a project that controls over the building system and activities of the projects in an effective manner. Information system may be failed due to lacking of relevant, accurate and timely information (Yeo, 2002). Appropriate information is quite important for decision-making process and also reduces the risks of the project. Information is considered as a valuable resource that helps project managers to take corrective decisions and to ensure project success. Poor management creates some other problems in making an information system such as decentralization, span of control and decision making. The information project may fail due to poor feedback and control processes that take a long time to resolve. In addition, slow decisions in personnel administration, delays in procurement and import of goods and releasing of funds are also major problems resulting from poor management (Rocheleau, 2006).

Project Management Project management is a science and art of managing elements of particular project such as new project development, launching a new service, marketing and advertising projects. Project management guides and plan the project processes from starting to end such as initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. These processes are effectively used by the project manager to achieve some specific goals and objectives. Some activities are identified within these processes of project management (Heldman, 2011). In the initiation stage, some activities are performed to access the size, scope, and complexity of the project. These activities are establishment of project initiation team, consumer relationship, project initiation plan, management procedure etc. At the same time, planning process also considers some other activities of project management. The main activities are describing project scope, alternatives, and feasibility, developing preliminary schedule, communication plan, identification and assessment of risk and setting a base line project plan (Gido & Clements, 2008). Execution and controlling activities are executing baseline project plan, monitoring & controlling project and communicating project status. These activities manage the changes of base line project and monitor the project progress. In final stage, project management activities include closing customer contract, conducting post-project reviews and closing down project. Scope, time, cost, quality, and risk are the variables that are addressed by project management (Kutsch & Hall, 2005). These variables are effective to develop an information system. Scope of project management specifies the requirement for the end results. The sum of time is needed to finish information system project that is broken down to complete components of project. Cost is estimated from the time variable. Risk defines potential point of failure of project. Quality is affected by time taken for a particular task that shows overall quality of project. References Gido, J. & Clements, J.P. (2008). Successful Project Management. (4th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Heldman, K. (2011). PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide. (6th ed.). USA: John Wiley & Sons. Irani, Z. (2002). Information systems evaluation: navigating through the problem domain. Information & Management, 40(1), 11–24. Kutsch, E. & Hall, M. (2005). Intervening conditions on the management of project risk: Dealing with uncertainty in information technology projects. International Journal of Project Management, 23(8), 591–599. Rocheleau, B.A. (2006). Public Management Information Systems. UK: Idea Group Inc (IGI). Yeo, K.T. (2002). Critical Failure Factors in Information System Projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20, 241–246. Get Project Management Information System assignment help with Assignmenthelpexperts .com is the most popular website for solving project management assignment help and business assignment help. We have wide experience of writing assignment on PM case study that makes us perfect for solving assignment.  Our assignment writing experts do follow the student instruction and assignment instruction and ensure you that your paper would be original and authentic content. We also provide free plagiarism report with student assignment.