Research Methods Assignment Help on New Product Launch

Research Methods Assignment Help on New Product Launch Research Methods for Mp3 Player Launch

Product launch of new and revised mp3 player require different research methods to conduct analysis of market with

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 respect to both the products. As per new product development case study assignment help experts, following are several pros and cons of using research methods for new and revised product launch. These are as follow:

Pros for New Product Launch Easily applicable: Using research methods for new product launch of mp3 is positive, as it is easily available to be applied for assessing the market trends (Sapsford, 2006). Motivational: Use of research methods for new product launch is also motivational for the staff, as they have zeal to do research for something new that is not tried before.

Cons for New Product Launch Expensive: Use of research methods for new product launch is expensive, as it involves both methods primary and secondary like consumer survey, market survey, trend analysis etc. Time Consuming: New research methods like questionnaire, focus group etc for consumer survey, market survey and trend analysis etc take more time to collect data. Pros for Revised Product Launch Availability of Past Data: Using research methods for revised mp3 player launch is beneficial, as it will provide past data to compare the trend with research methods for consumer and market survey (Hair, Celsi, Money, Samouel & Page, 2011). Less Time Consuming: Research methods use with respect to revised product launch is less time consuming process due to already available facts and figures. Less Expensive: Cost involved in using research methods for revised product is also less as compared to new product launch. It is so, as the staff members have already used all kinds of methods available for research, so they can use their experience in avoiding extra cost.

Cons for Revised Product Launch Lack of Motivation: Staff members are less motivated to use research methods for revised product launch due to their past experiences and lack of novelty (Sapsford, 2006). Difficult to Apply: It is not easy to apply the research methods for revised product launch, as it will need lots of efforts and dedication to collect data for new features and facts. Research Methods According to the case study experts of university, following are several reasons or aspects that can be used to assess differences in research method use for both the situations of launching new and revised products. Objective: The objective of using research methods is different (Belk, 2006). Like, for new product launch, the purpose is to generate awareness of consumers and collect data about their liking and disliking in relation to new mp3 player.

In contrast to this, in case of revised mp3 player, the objective is to inform consumers about the added features to the mp3 player and their opinion regarding the added features. So, due to difference in objectives for both situations, different research methods have to be used by the company. Application: Application of research methods is also different for both the situation. Like, in case of new mp3 player, the application is aimed to check market trends regarding new product use and its rival products. On the other hand, in case of revised mp3 player launch, the application is limited to check competitor’s actions regarding added features. Budget: Difference in research methods in both the situation is due to their budget considerations. It is so, as in new mp3 player launch, budget will be high that requires high use of research methods including primary and secondary to gather both qualitative and quantitative information about consumers, market and rivals. In contrast, in revised mp3 player launch, budget will be low that needs less use of research methods to collect relevant data.

References Belk, R.W. (2006). Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. Hair, J.F., Celsi, M.W., Money, A.H., Samouel, P. & Page, M.J. (2011). Essentials of Business Research Methods. (2nd ed). New York: M.E. Sharpe. Sapsford, R. (2006). Survey Research. (2nd ed). London: SAGE.   Now you can get 24×7 business case assignment help services from our experts. We assure you that you will get complete and quality assignment help services with in the deadline. Our US and Australia experts have 15 years experience of writing university assignments for the students of US,UK and Australia.