Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility: Ethics and social responsibility play a substantial role in developing a strategic plan for an organization. A strategic plan is a plan to achieve long-term objectives of the company and incorporating business ethics in this plan would ensure that company is truly following its ethics and ensuring the long-term success of the company. This paper examines the role of business ethics by determining ethical principles and moral problems that can take place in the business. Ethics is required in every policies, procedures, and practice for making strategies.
The firms should develop the strategic plan that integrates the organizational culture with ethics and social responsibilities. At the same time, our business assignment help stated that the main purpose of corporate social responsibility of the organization is to exceed the boundary of societal benefits. The strategic plan is affected by CSR of the organization that promotes the ethical activities. By considering the needs and agenda of stakeholders, ethics and social responsibilities are important to develop the strategic plan. Ethics is quite significant to take decisions related to organizational operations. For example, decision-related to a reduction in some distribution centers has an impact on the environment, where these plants are established. This decision also hampers the vendors and consumers, because there is no source for them to buy the product from the distributional sources. Thus, ethics and social responsibilities help the organization to implement the plan with ethics, principles, and moral values of the society.
The organization has several responsibilities in concern of its stakeholder and considers their needs and agenda to make appropriate and possible decisions for them. It means, the organization should not take unethical decisions that create the risk for the organization and reduce its reputation. The organization follows societal behavior by performing ethical responsibilities that satisfy the needs and agendas of its stakeholders. Ethics and social responsibilities promote the social values by informing the stakeholders about changes and trends. The cost of strategic plans is associated with the demands of the society and balances these demands to fulfill the difficulties of the socials members.
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