Social Media Marketing Case Study Assignment Help Social Media Networks
As per social media case study assignment help tutor choices, Face Book and Twitter are the most influential social media networks. It is so, as the user rate of these social media networks is highest and increasing day by day due to their worldwide popularity.

These two networks perform the task of connecting social groups across the world. People use these media networks not for their personal use, but also for fulfilling their professional objectives in day to day life (Newson, Houghton & Patten, 2008). Use base of these two social media networks is also higher as compared to other networks. The user base ranges from youngsters to elder people. Professional people use these sites for blogging and subscriptions. On the other hand our assignment help experts says that, teenagers and youngsters use these sites to share their views and opinions with friends all over the world. Along with this, multinationals are also using these networking sites to promote their brands at large level whether they are in automobile, IT, retail or any business. For example, Toyota, Apple Inc and Wal-Mart use Face Book and Twitter to increase their customer base and spread a word of mouth for their brand among the users. So, it can be said that both of these networking media are most influential as compared to other networks.
Reliability of Social Media Yes, social media is a reliable tool to promote public policy. It is so, as social media is shared and used by social people that want to stay connected to each other all the time. By using social media, it is possible to reach maximum people in short time and with less effort. Furthermore, social media is also positive to spread a word of mouth for public policy that is not easy with other media networks (Breakenridge, 2012). The objective of any public policy is to generate awareness among the people at high extent that can be easily performed with social media networks like Face book, twitter etc. Use of social media is reliable, as it will help in raising awareness and taking wide level acceptance of people through their votes or remarks over the public policy. Like, votes can be asked for the implications of public policy intended to be implemented. In this way, the objective of public policy can be achieved effectively. Furthermore, social media use will also help in avoiding any resistance by society people at the time of execution, it they are already aware about the implications of public policy.
Role of Social Media in Future In future, social media will increase its interaction with consumers to expand brand recognition. Social media will also enhance the discussion among consumers regarding brands and products that will guide them to purchase particular products. Word of mouth effect will be also increased through social media that will shape consumer behavior positively. For example, Levi Strauss used social media to have direct interaction with 400 consumers that resulted into 1600 people visited to the store of Levi Strauss (Divol, Edelman & Sarrazin, April 2012). Along with this Australian assignment help experts research that social media will likely to shape the consumer behavior by monitoring, responding, amplifying and leading to behavior changes for products and brands in future. Use of customer service forums like services by software firms will also shape consumer behavior by assisting them in discussing product related issues. With social media, brand monitoring will be done more effectively that will help in shaping consumer behavior by creating a sense that their views are being valued and applied by firms to improve product designs and features as per their comments. By reinforcing the message through social media, consumer behavior can be also changed in future. Like, American Express did with “Small Shopping Saturday” and Ford did in promoting Fiesta through using social media in the USA. References Breakenridge, D.K. (2012). Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional. FT Press. Divol, R., Edelman, D. & Sarrazin, H. (April 2012). Demystifying Social Media. Retrieved from Newson, A., Houghton, D. & Patten, J. (2008). Blogging and Other Social Media: Exploiting the Technology and Protecting the Enterprise. USA: Gower Publishing, Ltd.
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