Starbucks Organizational Analysis Case Study Assignment Help

Starbucks Organizational Analysis Case Study Assignment Help Introduction

Human resource management plays an important role in achieving the competitive advantage of the companies. Human resources are treated as an asset for the company in order to achieve the goals and objectives. In this human resource management case study assignment paper, human resource management program of Starbucks has been discussed.

Company Overview Starbucks is the global coffee company, which has been situated in Washington. It is the largest coffeehouse company in the world and established around 20,366 stores in more than 61 countries. Starbucks mainly targeted the adults, young adults and kids and it provide healthy products to its customers. This company has extended the customers market by responding and recognizing to their unique needs and preferences (Starbucks, 2012). Starbucks provide genuine service, inviting atmosphere and a cup of expertly roasted and richly brewed coffee to the customers at any time. Through this strategy, company has expended the overall customers market and served the large part of customers.

Mission Statement and Role of HR in Fostering Mission Statement Starbucks mission statement is to inspire and nurture the human spirit by one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. On the basis of this mission statement, company makes strategies and policies. In order to achieve this mission, company has hired the skilled human resource. Human resource of Starbucks serves the diversified needs to customers in efficient manner. Company believes that committed and motivated human resource is the key for the success of business. Starbucks take care in selecting the right kind of people for the job and also make efforts in order to retain them for longer period. All these strategies helped the company in achieving its mission. In addition to this, employees within the company produce high quality of products in order to attract the customers (Starbucks, 2009). Human resources are passionate towards ethically sourcing the finest coffee beans for the customers. Employees make efforts to fully engage, connect and uplift the lives of its customers. People within the company make connection with its customers in order to inspire and nurture the human spirit by one person. Diversity strategy of the company is focused towards the four areas such as partners, customers, suppliers and communities. This company has developed the strategies for all these four areas. Employees of Starbucks act with the spirit of kindness, tolerance and humanity towards all of its customers. In order to achieve its mission, company has developed the environment that values and respect the people from different cultures and background. It is analyzed that with the help of this, company can be able to do its best and also make optimum utilization of resources. All these efforts of human resource have made the sound goodwill of the firm in the competitive market. Employees in the company treat each other with respect and dignity (Diversity at Starbucks, 2012). Further, company has also built the pattern of planned human resource deployments that enable the organization to achieve its goals efficiently. Starbucks uses its human resource polices in order to gain the competitive advantage in the international market. This company has the employees with different qualities like adaptability, dependability and ability to work within the team. These qualities have helped the company in serving the needs and wants of customer efficiently. Moreover, employees will also support each other in providing the best services to customers.

Human Resource Challenges It is identified that Starbucks has faced some challenges related to human resource. Due to the rapid changing environment, company has to develop the skills and knowledge of employees in order to meet the external market challenges. Starbucks also have to ensure that it is the positive and motivating employer and also it has made efforts in order to survive its rapid expansion program. Its generous policies and high human resource cost has affected the financial strength of the company. Cost of the human resource is high, due to which company has increased the prices of its products (Starbucks, 2011). It is identified that cost problems cannot be solved by increasing the price of products. High product price will also affect the image of company among the customers. Customers will switch towards another brand due to high prices of its products. This company also needs the widespread customer base in order to sustain in international market. Number of competitors has also increased in the food and beverage industries, which has created the challenge for the company to make efficient strategies. It is identified that due to change in external market conditions, company provide low wages to its workers. Low wages has increased the employee turnover ratio in the company. Thus, companies should use the appropriate strategies, so that it will be able to achieve the objectives efficiently by the efforts of human resource. Further our business assignment helper says that, by cutting down its benefits, company cannot be able to sustain in the competitive market for long term period. Employee turnover rate of the firm has also increased. These are the various challenges that company has faced due to the change in external market conditions (Werner, Schuler & Jackson, 2011). In order to overcome these challenges, company has to adopt the different strategies. Company should introduce the learning and development program in order to enhance the skills of human resource. Employees should use these skills in providing the better and some different taste to customers. Starbucks does also not promote many deals, offers, etc. for the public, so that company can’t be able to increase its overall turnover.

Recommendations Additionally, organizations should also integrate the policies related to external changes in its mission statement. It is identified that employees at Starbucks are the important asset for the company in order to achieve the growth. Company should also hire the right candidate for the right job. Company should also provide the working environment in which, it should attract, develop and retain the committed employees. Starbucks can also improve its reward management program in order to provide fair compensation to employees. In its human resource strategy, company should adopt the effective diversity management program, so that company can be able to develop the healthy working environment (Sims, 2007). Company can also conduct the proper research and development program in order to identify the external market conditions and accordingly human resource management program should be framed. Employees should promote the different offers and other discounts for the customers. In addition to this, company could also provide rewards and other benefits to its employees. This HR strategy will be helpful in sustaining the employees for long term. It is identified that benefits and profits of the company is not higher but it is focused towards providing the customer satisfaction. This company should believe that providing the satisfaction to its employees will be useful in creating the value for the company. Without employees, company cannot be able to sustain in the market and cannot be able to achieve its goals (Wood, 2009). Human resources are the asset for every company and companies should provide healthy and supportive environment to these employees. In addition our case study assignment help said that, company could also adopt the strategic human resource management program in order to create the link between overall strategic aims of business and human resource strategy and implementation. Further, company should also build the stress management program to reduce the disputes at the workplace. All these strategies will be useful in overcoming with the challenges that company is facing due to external market changes. Company could also increase its investment in human resource management techniques. Starbucks should also provide compensation according to the skills and knowledge of employees. This strategy will motivate them for better performance and employees will also get job satisfaction after getting the fair compensation (Armstrong, 2008).

Building Competitive Advantage Above mentioned recommendations will be supportive for the company in building the competitive advantage. By adopting the strategic human resource management program, company will be able to achieve the sustained competitive advantage. Employees will develop the competencies that are firm specific and other competitors will not be able to imitate the strategies and policies. By providing the healthy and supportive working environment, Starbucks will be able to maintain the statistical relationship between HR practices and business performance. It is identified that proper relationship between the human resource and organizational performance enables the managers to design program that will be helpful in attaining higher organizational performance. Due to the intense competition, human resource function has also grown up in the organizational hierarchy (Yasgoor & Bressler, 2008). Research and development program will useful in giving tough competition to the rivalry firms. Employees will analyze the strategies and policies of rivalry firms and accordingly Starbucks will also make strategies in order to build the competitive advantage. This company believes that successful human resource policies and practices will increase the performance of human resource in different areas such as quality, productivity and financial performance. All these strategies will be useful in gaining the competitive advantage and building the sound image of company in competitive advantage (Snell & Bohlander, 2012). According to Australia experts, Starbucks will achieve the competitive advantage by using the three generic strategies such as cost leadership, focus and differentiation strategies. Company will also be able to identify the knowledge that has been required to meet the goals and objectives and satisfy the customers. Moreover, company will also analyze that whether it has to take steps for acquiring and developing intellectual capital. By providing offers and other discounts, company can be able to identify the consumer buying behavior. Further, it will also identify the behavior that has been required by the employees for the organizational success. Company can also make assure that whether such type of behavior are valued, encouraged and rewarded within the organization structure. Company will also able to gain the commitment of people towards the mission and vision of the organization (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). It has been analyzed that in order to achieve the competitive advantage, employees should understand the proper linkage between human resource strategy and business strategy of the company. Conclusion From the above discussion by our business analysis assignment help experts, it has been concluded that in order to achieve the mission of Starbucks, human resource has served the customers in effective and efficient manner. Moreover, it has also analyzed that human resource of Starbucks are passionate towards providing the finest coffee beans to its customers. High price of product is the major challenge that company is facing in today’s competitive market environment. Further, Starbucks should use the strategic human resource management program in order to overcome such challenges. It is identified that through the strategic human resource management program, employees will develop the firm specific competencies and also able to attain the sustainable competitive advantage.

References Armstrong, M. (2008). Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action. USA: Kogan Page Publishers. Diversity at Starbucks (2012). Retrieved from Hernandez, R.S. (2009). Strategic Human Resources Management: In Health Services Organizations. USA: Cengage Learning. Mathis, R.L. & Jackson, J.H. (2011). Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives. USA: Cengage Learning. Sims, R.R. (2007). Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues, Challenges And Opportunities. USA: IAP. Snell, S.A. & Bohlander, G.W. (2012). Managing Human Resources. USA: Cengage Learning. Starbucks (2009). Retrieved from Starbucks (2011). Retrieved from Starbucks (2012). Retrieved from Werner, S., Schuler, R. & Jackson, S. (2011). Human Resource Management. USA: Cengage Learning. Wood, G. (2009). Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach. USA: Taylor & Francis. Yasgoor, K. & Bressler, S.C. (2008). Kaplan Human Resource Certification: Proven, Practical Tools to Help You Pass the PHR and SPHR Exams. USA: Kaplan Publishing. If you are looking for case study assignment help and business assignment help then you can send us your assignment. Our business experts ensure you that you will get original and complete assignment help services of all subjects. The main future of our business experts is that they have fifteen years experience of providing assignments help for the students of US, UK and Australia. Students who need management case study assignment help can touch with our 24X7live support system or can send e-mail at