Global Business Assignment Help on conflict model

Global Business Assignment Help on conflict model

Rank USA/Brazil duo is selected to analyze the dimensions of conflict model. These are as follow: Cognitive: In USA, this dimension is highest in influencing conflict. In contrast to this, in Brazil, it appears to be medium. Emotional: In USA, the score of this conflict model dimension is lowest in influencing conflict. In contrast to this, in Brazil, emotional dimension appears to be highest in influencing conflicts (Hamilton, 2007). Behavior: In USA, this dimension appears to be medium in handling conflict. On the other hand, in Brazil, the impact of this dimension is lowest on conflict.


Use of Strategic Direction As per assignment help experts, To handle the conflict between team members belong from USA and Brazil, I could first use emotional dimension with my Brazilian team member to handle conflict subtly and cognitive dimension with the member from USA to address conflict openly (Hamilton, 2007).


Conflict Resolution By understanding the cultural dimensions given by Hofestede like power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism’collectivism, low context-high context, etc, a manager can handle conflicts between people from different countries (Kotabe & Helsen, 2009). Similarly, by analyzing the sociatel norms like working patterns, rituals etc, it is possible to handle conflict of people belong to different cultural and social background.


Important Information To understand dimensions of conflict, cultural assumptions about conflict of different countries are required to know by the individuals. To get this information, resources like internet, scholarly articles and books of authentic publishers could be used.


Impact on Approach Values like openness, problem solving approach and honesty would influence the approach to deal with conflicting situations. Along with this, differences in cultural background would also influence the way of analyzing the conflict situation. For example, if the culture is individualistic, it will view the conflicting situation from individualistic point of view rather than collectivistic point of view (Kotabe & Helsen, 2009). Similarly, if the culture is low context, it will view the conflict dimensions from low context point of view rather than high context point of view. So, due to this difference, it would influence the approach of dealing with conflicts.


Other Factors Other factors like behavioral, technical, social, etc might also influence the strategy to handle conflict between people belong to different culture. For example, differences in social norms might influence the way of communication that plays a vital role in handling any conflict related situation. Similarly, if the approach is to see the conflict as problem solving rather than face maintenance, it might also influence the strategy of conflict handling. References Hamilton, C. (2007). Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions. (8th ed). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. Kotabe, M. & Helsen, K. (2009). The SAGE Handbook of International Marketing. London: SAGE. Get 100% original conflict model case study assignment help from our experts.