Ethical Issues in HRM Strategy Assignment Help

Ethical Issues in HRM Strategy Assignment Help Areas of Overlap

Working with new client comes with lots of opportunities and challenges. Opportunities come in terms of learning. On the other hand, challenges come due to areas of overlap due to similarities between the business approaches and strategies. The areas of overlap are as follow: Business Strategy: Business strategy of new client may also overlap with the old clients. It is so, as way of doing business to achieve the vision and mission may sometimes overlap (Bamberger & Meshoulam, 2000). Functional Strategy: Functional strategy may also overlap. Process, planning and practices of doing business to achieve the strategic goals may also overlap. Corporate strategy: The corporate strategy may also overlap with the new client. In other words, the approach to run the corporation may be similar to the old organization that further can result into overlap. HRM Strategies: In terms of HRM strategy, there might be overlap of areas. It is so, as the new client firm may also use similar strategies for HRM like hiring, selecting and promoting the employees (Armstrong, 2008). Along with this, performance appraisal process of the new client may also overlap with the other clients.

Ethical Dilemmas There are various areas or issues that may pose ethical dilemma while working with the new client in developing HRM strategies. These can be discussed as below explained by our Australia assignment help experts: Ethical conflict: Use of other organizational HRM strategy with new client may create issues of ethical conflict. It is so, as while using HRM strategy of other organization, it may be possible to experience the situation of whether to use that information for the new client or not. Ethical Issues: Adoption of knowledge related to the HRM strategies of old organization with new client may also result into ethical issues. It is so, as every person has a set of code of conduct and ethics (Garber, 2008). These codes of ethics have some set of values and moral that restricts individuals to do things that are unethical. At the same time, there are some conditions, under which the individuals are forced to use information of their old companies with the new firms to remain with the company. So, this strategy of the company may also pose ethical dilemma. Ethical Consequences: If the individuals use the information of other organizational HRM with the new client, it also creates issues in terms of ethical consequences. It is so, as use of HRM strategy for hiring, selecting, promoting or performance appraisal may create challenge before the individual by developing fear about the ethical consequences. Apart from this, there are various other issues like employee safety issues, customer confidence, use of corporate resources, conflict of interest etc are other issues that may pose ethical dilemma while using the information of other organizations with new client.

Approach To ensure viability of the business, it is essential to customize the strategy of HRM with business. HRM strategy of organizations plays a vital role in overall success or failure of the business in long run (Armstrong, 2008). On the other hand, business strategy also plays a vital that must be aligned with the HRM strategy. For example, business strategy reflects the vision and mission of the corporation. In contrast to this, HRM strategy will be aimed to achieve the stated vision and mission. To customize the HRM strategy of the organization with business strategy, social recruitment will be used. Under this assignment help, social networking sites will be used to recruit the personnel. It will help in attracting the candidates who are capable to do the business activities with efficiency. HRM strategy will be also developed as per the data gathered on business related activities of the firm. For example, if the vision of the company is based on innovation, the HRM strategy of the corporation will be aimed to hire those employees, who are capable enough to develop creative ideas that are good to generate innovative business solutions.

Importance of HRM Strategies HRM strategies are important for the company to produce competitive advantage. According to case study assignment help experts,There are various aspects that reflect the importance of HRM strategies: High quality workforce: By using effective HRM strategy, it is possible to hire high quality workforce. With high quality workforce, it becomes easy for the organization to ensure higher profitability as well as productivity. So, in this manner, HRM strategy is important to develop competitive advantage (Armstrong, 2008). Innovation: HRM strategy is also important to produce innovative solutions for the business. For example, if the HRM is oriented to hire those individuals who are willing to take actions that are beyond the limits, it will help the company to generate innovative ideas for the business. High Quality Product: High quality products and services are also offered by the company, which has talented pool of workforce. Talented pool of employees can be hired with effective HRM strategies. With competitive workforce, it is possible for an organization to compete in the marketplace on the basis of differentiation, innovation and market attractiveness. Sustainability: By ensuring sustainability in the business activities, it is possible for an organization to attain competitive advantage (Chadwick, 2005). For example, by improving the internal resources like human resources in terms of skills, knowledge, awareness and competency, it is possible to ensure competitive advantage.

References Armstrong, M. (2008). Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action. (4th ed). USA: Kogan Page Publishers. Bamberger, P.A. & Meshoulam, I. (2000). Human Resource Strategy: Formulation, Implementation, and Impact. USA: SAGE. Chadwick, C. (2005). The vital role of strategy in strategic human resource management education. Human Resource Management Review, 15(3), 200-213. Garber, P.R. (2008). The Ethical Dilemma. USA: Human Resource Development. If you are looking for ethical issues case study assignment help and business assignment help then you can send us your assignment. Our business experts ensure you that you will get original and complete assignment help services of all subjects. The main future of our business experts is that they have fifteen years experience of providing assignments help for the students of US, UK and Australia. Students who need management case study assignment help can touch with our 24X7live support system or can send e-mail at