Strategic Philanthropy Assignment Help

Strategic Philanthropy Assignment Help

Strategic philanthropy is a powerful way to connect with the societies for their well being through the marketing goals. In today’s environment, strategic philanthropy provides several benefits to the company that support in achieving competitive advantage from the national and international market. Some benefits of strategic philanthropy, such as better organizational image, employee loyalty and improved customer relations, increased company profits and increased brand value, etc., play an important role in the growth of company. Apart from this Strategic Philanthropy case study assignment help, strategic philanthropy is also beneficial for both donating company and the non-profit organizations (Rang, 2011). Through the strategic philanthropy, donating company can increase its market reputation in the eyes of customers. This can be helpful for the company to maintain its brand and can also be helpful in attracting new customers towards the company and its products and services in the market.

This can also be helpful for the non-profit organization to increase brand values through affiliation with a corporation. In addition, it provides significance or higher level of awareness of the cause in which the nonprofit organization involved. Through the support of this, nonprofit organization can also attract new sponsors, customers, donors and volunteers (Bloom & Gundlach, 2000). Recently, strategic philanthropy is an important concept for every organization because through this, company can connect with the local people and can create some programs that are beneficial for the people of different societies. Furthermore, these programs are also beneficial for the companies to achieve their marketing goals and objectives. The main aim of the company is to attract more customers and to achieve profits from the activities. Through the strategic philanthropy, company can attract more customers and influence them to purchase products and services from the market. This leads the company to achieve profits and to gain competitive advantage (Pride & Ferrell, 2004).


References Bloom, P. N. & Gundlach, G. (2000). Handbook of Marketing and Society. USA: SAGE. Pride, W. M. & Ferrell, O. C. (2004). Marketing:Concepts & Strategies. USA: Dreamtech Press. Rang, T. W. (2011). The Strategic Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility: Competitive Advantage or Contemporary Trend? Germany: GRIN Verlag. Avail 24X7 business  assignment help  services from our experts. We assure you that you will get original assignment help with in the deadline and your assignment paper will not be discussed with our clients.