Technology Change Assignment Help

Technology Change Assignment Help News Papers and the Internet In today’s scenario, most of the news papers facing the problems due to the internet. Most of the people in urban areas use internet to generate the knowledge and information about the national and international environment. The challenges of newspapers from internet are also related to the cheaper web offers and easier to access medium in order to consume both information and advertising (OECD, 2010). As per technology change case study assignment help experts,the two alternative scenarios for the future evolution of newspapers and the internet industry are as follow:

Scenario 1: It is identified that due to the internet, newspapers faces the challenges and also loses the revenue. In the market, competition from online information sources kills the newspapers sales and advertising revenues. Internet is also impacting on the classified advertising revenue of the newspapers. It is identified that most of the local newspapers’ classified advertising has decline sharply in response to eBay and real estate and home rentals’ websites. This technology changes also provides the challenges and problems for the local newspapers to increase the sales of papers in the local market. Along with this, newspapers are also unable to collect their lost revenue by their own websites (Farrell & Cupito, 2010). In the market, only few local newspapers are well established in the market that has been successful in selling contents. In today’s changing scenario, news papers facing the challenges from websites of TV news channels, independent online publishers, online information sources such as financial and sports (Wimmer & Dominick, 2010). In this situation, newspapers can develop the strategy and cut their costs. It can be helpful for them to manage the decline in the industry. Through this, newspapers can also maximize the period of survival and can also generate the positive cash flow that can be supported in creating effective business in the industry.

Scenario 2: In the second scenario, because of the huge competition from internet, newspapers are also able to establish successful websites that helps in increasing the customer base or readership to a new audience. It is identified that due to the portability of news papers, most of the readers’ preferences for browsing the columns of a printed newspaper. Through this, printed newspapers creates effective competition with the other online resources of information and establishes the key advantages as comparison to the other online resources of information such as reporting coverage, reporting credibility and the quality based analysis of current programs and affairs that leads the online newspaper industry to attract customers and readers in the market (Farrell & Cupito, 2010). As a result, the online readership of newspaper remains that also helps the company to attract advertisers for the newspaper. In order to develop the strategy, newspaper industry should improve the traditional reporting, analytical and editorial capabilities. This can support newspapers to provide various and different information to the customers in effective way. These improved capabilities can also be supported in expending readership in other countries through the internet. To achieve competitive advantages, local news papers should also increase the knowledge about the local programs and events and provide information the customers. It can support them to attract local customers for the information and advertisers for the newspapers’ revenue (Allan, 2006). Newspapers should also improve their channels of distribution in the geographic areas. It can support them to influence more people about the print news paper and also influence wide area of advertisers. Through this, newspaper companies can also make stronger customer relationship in the geographic area.   References Allan, S. (2006). Online News: Journalism and the Internet. USA: McGraw-Hill International. Farrell, M. & Cupito, M. C. (2010). Newspapers: A Complete Guide to the Industry. USA: Peter Lang. OECD (2010). News in the Internet Age New Trends in News Publishing: New Trends in News Publishing. USA: OECD Publishing. Wimmer, R. D. & Dominick, J. R. (2011). Mass Media Research: An Introduction. USA: Cengage Learning. Get Technology Change Assignment Help with From our assignment writing experts, You will get complete and original assignment help of all subjects. Our experts are from US,UK and Australia. You can contact us 24X7 for assignment help.