Wal-Mart Recruitment and Retention Plan Assignment Help

Wal-Mart Recruitment and Retention Plan Assignment Help

In order to hire the women employees, Wal-Mart should prepare the effective recruitment and retention plan. Wal-Mart should identify the requirement of women employees in the company. This will help in preparing the recruitment plan accordingly. After analyzing the requirement of women employees, organization should prepare the job description, so that women candidates can be able to apply according to their competent skills and knowledge. As per HR case study assignment help experts, In order

to hire the women employees, organization should analyze the sources of recruitment. Company can adopt advertising strategy in order to recruit the women employees in the company. After recruiting the women employees, Wal-Mart should also prepare plan for retaining the employees. Company should provide timely rewards to the women employees, so that they will motivate to perform in an effective manner. Providing facilities such as flexible working environment, child care facilities and early offs in case of emergency helps in retaining the women employees for long term period. It is analyzed that cooperative working environment attracts large part of women employees. Thus, company should praise the women employees for their better work. Providing equal opportunity for men and women also motivate the women employees to remain in the organization. These plans help in reducing the women employee turnover in Wal-Mart. Further, organization should also adopt appropriate recruitment plans according to the requirement of the company.

Obstacles and HRM Strategies for Women Employees Wal-Mart will face certain obstacles while hiring the women employees in the organization. It is analyzed that women employees are lack in developing innovative ideas and plans for the improvement in the organizational performance. Thus, Wal-Mart will face problems in adopting the changes within the company. Moreover, women employees also have less technical skills in comparison to men. Company is not able to adopt new technologies in order to make improvement in its competitive advantage. Therefore, Wal-Mart has to provide training and development facilities to develop the skills and knowledge of women employees which in turn increase the cost of company. Another problem that Wal-Mart has to face is providing flexible environment to women employees. Providing flexible environment to women employees also affects the working of the company. In order to overcome these problems, Wal-Mart should adopt different human resource strategy in order to make effective utilization of women employees. Company should make allocation of women employees according to their competent skills and knowledge. This strategy helps in improving the overall production of the company (Armstrong, 2006). Another strategy that company should adopt is promoting different policies and plans in favor of women employees. This strategy helps in improving the visibility of women employees of Wal-Mart. Conclusion From the above discussion by case study help experts analyzed that women employees are committed towards their career for long term, which is helpful in improving the competitive advantage of the company. Further, promoting plans and policies for women employees helps in overcoming the obstacles of the company.

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