Celebrities Endorsing For Brand Assignment Help

Celebrities Endorsing For Brand Assignment Help

In order to attract the customers, companies have to use the celebrities in its marketing campaigns. Apple Company has to use the high profile celebrity due to its high brand position in the competitive market. Apple has reduced the celebrity endorsements in the favor of its own add. It has been identified that trend of celebrity endorsement has been increasing in the product lines from fashion to technology. Advertisement through Adrian Drury has made the product seem more attractive without using the added technology in the product. Celebrity endorsement is the good fit because it will be helpful in capturing the large part of market without much effort. Our business assignment help experts says that Adrian Drury is the suitable celebrity for Apple because it basically captures the high profile people and customers in the high society will get attracted through the foreign celebrity. It will basically get connected to middle and high class of the target market.

Other Celebrities for Apple Brand Apart from Adrian Drury, Apple can also use other celebrity in order to attract the customers in the high society. It should also use celebrity in order to attract the customers’ lower level customers. Other famous characters such as international celebrities can also be used in influencing the customers. Apple simply makes products, which everyone can buy, even Apple has offered super chef musician Alian Ducasse to act as the ambassadors for its marketing its products in different markets. Other companies such as Samsung have also approached to Alastair Cook in order to present its laptops to the customers. Therefore, it is identified that Apple does not have to change its brand ambassador. It is because customers will simply resemble by seeing the face of Apple brand ambassador and it will also helpful in improving its brand name. Steve Jobs had also considered as the brand ambassador of Apple. It has created various new and innovative ideas for the company and every customer knows Steve Jobs as CEO of Apple. It can also use the Information Technology tycoons as the brand ambassador for its products and services.

Competition in Apple Company Apple Company has to face tough competition in case of making the brand ambassadors efficient and effective.  Brand ambassadors of the company should have skills to influence the customers through their standing postures and other physical appearance. U2 has been used by the company and it has tremendously increased the price of Apple stock shares within the 52 weeks. After the globalization, companies have to face tough competition due to the entrance of various multinational companies. Further, advancement in the technology has also forced the companies to make technological changes in its products.

Apple has given the tough competition and companies have to make efforts in order to imitate the strategies of the company. Through the endorser, company can be able to make effective advertising of the products.  Therefore, it is identified that advertising can change the buying behavior of customers, so Apple has to use the effective advertising in order to build the customers loyalty. Conclusion From the above discussion, it has been concluded by our assignment help experts that Apple is considered as one the most renowned brand in all over the world. Apple has used innovative marketing and advertising strategies in order to attract the customers. It has focused towards the emerging and less competitive market in order to introduce its products. U2 is the brand ambassador of Apple has it has influence the large part of customers. Thus, company has made sound position in the competitive market environment through its innovative products.