Legal System Assignment Help

Legal System Assignment Help Rule of man theory was an earlier rule formulated which acts as a centre from where all the changes can be carried out. The people are termed as the agents and the rulers.  As per Australian law assignment help experts, the

man has the supreme authority to take charge on the individuals who has created offence whether of serious nature or normal nature. The above topic is quite difficult to analyze upon as rule of man has both advantages and disadvantages. The rule of man was prevalent in earlier times when there was no government and the law was also not prevalent than the man himself was the in charge for taking of all the actions (Wiener, et. al., 2012).

Advantages: The rule of man will help in saving of time as there will be no requirements of filing of complaints in the courts and no requirement of wastage of time on different trials. In the rule of man if a person will find a guilty of the crime of serious nature like murder than he will be given death immediately without any proceedings of court. According to law help experts. The rule of man will also help in saving of costs. As, filing of complaints and the trial sessions requires money but the rule of man do not require any money in filing of complaints. The person will immediately punish the individual who has undertaken an offence (Scheppele, 2013). The government will also not require any prison and maintenance the prisoners and this will ultimately save the cost of government.

Disadvantages: Rule of man will lead towards the violence and disturbance in the society. This will lead towards no formation of law and no harmony with the law between the individuals. There will be no supreme power and the man can take its own decisions and can help anyone to punish to death. In my opinion, rule of law is the better system than the rule of man as the complete superiority or prevalence of standard rule as contrasting to the pressure of arbitrary authority, exclusive of the continuation of arbitrariness. As lined by law, and the rule alone: a man can hold punish only for a break of law, but for not anything else. This states that the Rule of law will bring consistency and order in the society as rule of man brings disturbance and violence in the society. The rule of man was prevalent in earlier times when there was no government and the law was also not prevalent than the man himself was the in charge for taking of all the actions. But, in the modern times there are law formulated by the government and the individual has to follow them in order to bring peace in the nation (Fukuyama, 2013). References: Wiener, A., Lang, A.F., Tully, J., Maduro, M.P. and Kumm, M. (2012) Global constitutionalism: Human rights, democracy and the rule of law, Global Constitutionalism, 1(1), pp.1-15. Scheppele, K.L. (2013) The rule of law and the Frankenstate: why governance checklists do not work, Governance, 26(4), pp.559-562. Fukuyama, F. (2013) What is governance?, Governance, 26(3), pp.347-368. Looking for Australian law assignment help or Legal System Assignment Help then e-mail us your assignment.